~♥ tAk3n bii mii B3aUtY! ♥~ profile picture

~♥ tAk3n bii mii B3aUtY! ♥~


About Me

ITS '07... tim3 t0 chang3 th3 gam3... its Tyr33! Curr3ntly I stay in Downtown Norfolk. N0t f0r l0ng... I'm tryna g3t th3 gr0wn w0man 0n & g3t an apt.... I h0p3 all g03s w3ll... N33d n0t say much cause p3opl3 s33m t0 think th3y know thA kid... W3ll u don't s0 don't try & act lik3 it. I've got lov3 f0r a n3w chapt3r in my lif3 its call3d CPC... Th3s3 mothafuckas is my fam... I'm with th3 m0st fun, d0wn t0 3arth, l0ving gr0up of p30pl3 I c0uld hav3 3v3r said I was affiliat3d wit. N0b0dy trully kn0s CPC. F0r th0s3 wh0 d0, r3sp3ct is t0 u. All 0f u 0ut th3r3 r3adin this, y0u'r3 ab0ut t0 witn3ss a rev0luti0n. Gs^, c@us3 i w3nt fr0m a b@by G t0 a full gr0wn G. I have still my cl0s3st fri3nds (with0ut th3s3 p30pl3 Tyr33 w0uldn't b3 as g0 hard and as l0ving as sh3 is t0day) Ti3ra: my b3l0v3d c0usin, Fatazia: My rid3 0r di3 (w3 g0n3 g3t back t0 th3 way w3 w3r3 girl I think w3 just n33d tim3 I LOV3 U) My c0usin 3li: H3 just h0lds fam d0wn p3ri0d. My lil br0 Paul: w3 liv3 0ur liv3s th3 way w3 d0 and i l0v3 u n0 matt3r what. Last but not l3ast, My nig Sl3na: My Hampt0n h0tti3, U and m3 ar3 lik3 th3lma and l0uis. Phonin3ss ain't in tha kidz vocab so for all th3 bitch3s who k33p it ph0ny, I can't s33 u! T3stin s0m3 wat3rs @s s0m3 w0uld call it... But ii kn0w i'm snatchin it up caus3 u couldn't ask f0r anything b3tt3r than wh@t g0d gav3 m3. not conc3it3d but u can s33 dat I am that chick.... I'm tryin to mak3 it in lif3 b3ing th3 succ3ss I know that my fath3r could hav3 b33n. Don't g3t m3 wrong, my dad stacks... But I plan to stack high3r! Niggaz th3s3 days is in th3 way. L3arn3d that th3y too c0mplicat3d for m3. Its tim3 for th3 '07 to b3 about R33! I'm startin it off by sayin, Wh3n u onc3 told m3 u ain't want it I k3pt on trying.... Its ur turn to g3t on th3 ground and b3g for my l0v3! '07: I'M LIVIN U LIK3 U R3VOLV3 AROUND M3! hOLLA aT THa GUrL!SH0UT0UTS: My big br0. h0ldin it d0wn in th3 p3n. Bryc3 l0v3 is 0ut h3r3 and ur nam3 is l3g3ndary b3caus3 of m3! Laci3, i ain't f0rg3t about u, u my sista right al0ng wit sl3na. I l0v3 u guys f0r th3 l0v3 u guys sh0 m3. My m0th3r, With0ut u I w0uld b3 n0thing. My fath3r, I l0v3 u n0 matt3r what th3 c3rcumstanc3. K0di: B@bii, u ar3 amazing, n3v3r kn3w i c0uld find a ni99a that'll rid3 f0r m3. I'v3 b33n ridin f0r 3v3ryb0dy. This tim3 u put m3 in th3 pass3ng3r s3at and t00k th3 wh33l. U've sh0wn m3 ur a rid3r and i'm callin snatch3s. Just lik3 u t3ll m3... "tak3n bii ur b3auty", w3ll I'm tak3n bii ur rid3r skillz. Ni99az c0uld l3arn al0t fr0m u ab0ut h0w t0 tr3at a gurl. Thatz why u MII B00! TTJ3: u w3nt fr0m what i th0ught i n33d3d by my sid3 t0 my b3st fri3nd, i'm always g0nna rid3 f0r u r3gardl3ss 0f what w3 hav3. I l0v3 u my nig! M0niqu3 aka "Shad0w G": w3 g0t r3al cl0s3... i g0t ur back. u n33d s0m3thing and i g0t u. Hey CPC: t0 all th3 0.G.^s my ls^G^s and lb^G^s and the new G^s i'm riidiing f0r mii cr3w all day. Fuck wit 3m if u want t0! My fam in S. C. and 3v3ryb0dy in th3 757 that i g0t l0v3 f0r.TH3 M0ST L0VING R3AL3ST BITCH I CAN B3, AND IF I CAN'T B3 R3AL THAN I CAN'T B3! i L3ARN3D THAT LIF3 AIN'T ALWAYS WHAT I THOUGHT IT W0ULD B3, I'M HUMBL3 FOR G0DS GRAC3 AND M3RCY TOWARDS M3. WITH0UT MY L0RD AND SAVIOR IN MY LIF3 I W0ULD FAIL. B3 U CAUS3 IN TH3 3ND THAT'S ALL U GOT! retro layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests

~Jal3isha~ My favorit3 c0usin... u ar3 my lil mini m3. I just l0v3 th3 way u gr0win up. Don't g3t gr0wn t00 fast th0 caus3 ur g0nna wish u was a kid again. I l0v3 u and k33p up what ur d0ing. ~Tiera~ I love you girl... We done been through it all... Fights break ups make up and all that. Remember that you my cuzin for life, my best friend for life, most importantly my sister for life... You know that I am always here for you so if you ever need me just call! Love ya lots... YEA WE TWINS NOW ~My b3st fri3nd Halim~ You ar3 always th3r3 for m3 thru th3 good th3 bad... th3 ups and th3 downs.... I try my hard3st to b3 th3r3 for u lik3 u ar3 for m3. Your son is b3autiful, h3 gonna b3 br3akin h3arts. and u and ang3l should know that if u 3v3r n33d a babysitt3r... I'm th3r3. I lov3 u! ~Fatazia~ You are my best friend and then some... YOu got the greaest advise and everyone knows I try to be the advise giver... I love you and i'll always be here for you... Love my brother and accept his crazy ways.... Love ya lots! ~Sierra~ FREE CICI Sisters for life is all I can say... not more needed to say but that if you need me , I got you all the way. ~Mom~ YOu can get on my nerves buttin in my business... But i love you, not only for the things you do but just for you... You gave me life and without you I wouldnt be the sexy beast that I am... I love you ma!
Name: Tyree
Birthday: June 11, 1987 babi
Birthplace: Norfolk, Va.... That Trill Naughty by Norfolk
Current Location: Chesapeake
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red and brown... I have my dayz
Height: 5'4"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Panamanian Mami
The Shoes You Wore Today: My uptowns
Your Weakness: Love
Your Fears: Tha death of my mother
Your Perfect Pizza: pepperoni and pineapple
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: get stacked wit that paper; be that cosmetologist
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Y@ Dig
Thoughts First Waking Up: I'm sexy and My name is BEAUTIFUL
Your Best Physical Feature: My eyes; my lips; and my soft azz
Your Bedtime: when I close my eyes
Your Most Missed Memory: Graduation
Pepsi or Coke: neither
MacDonalds or Burger King: burger king I guess
Single or Group Dates: both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate babi

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Since tha gurl been livin she's been livin a FUCKED UP LIFE! I ain't have the perfect family like everybody else did.  In a nutshell...My dad beat on my mom, he moved out, my mom struggled tryin ...
Posted by ~♥ tAk3n bii mii B3aUtY! ♥~ on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 09:42:00 PST