Someone who can give me a really good job.In another person:*You MUST have an amazing sense of humor. AMAZING. I have dated some funny looking fellows because sense of humor is so incredibly high up on my priority list. If you can make me laugh, you are set.*You must like cartoons and old kids shows and wacky comedy. If you watch dramas and sports all the time, chances are--you're not for me. (Examples- old school TMNT, Family Guy, Futurama, The Soup, Dark Place, South Park, Trey Parker/Matt Stone movies, etc.) Life is too short for us to take it all seriously.*You must want an actual relationship. I'm not a one night stand. I don't DO that. I'm a girlfriend not a toy.*You must like (even love) musical theatre and watching live performances. It's what I do. If you're dating me, it's common sense that I'm going to want you to be there. I would go see you in something! I'm not doing a musical right now, but I'm in an ABBA tribute band. You would have to go. If I'm not worth that, neither are you, buster. I think most women want support too. I'm not alone on this.*You must find me insanely attractive even when I'm not wearing make-up. If you don't want to do me when my face is bare, I don't want to do you ever. I'm pretty, and if you don't think so--why should I keep you around? And the old saying is true. Flattery really WILL get you everywhere.*You must like scary movies including but not limited to zombie films. I love them with a passion. I love to go see them in the theater. If I'm feeling depressed, I go see a horror flick by myself. Might be weird to you, but I love it. (Examples-The Descent, Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Cemetary Man, etc.)*You must be able to sleep in the spooning position. You must have a comfortable back for me to nestle my head into as we drift off or you are doomed. I don't care if you are a little fat. In fact, I think I secretly like it when you are a little fat. Not obese! Just ever so pleasantly plump. But you must smell good to me (cleanliness anyone?) though for any of this to work at all.*You can't force me to watch really masculine movies all the time. I can handle a couple. In fact, I really LOVE some man movies. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Matador, the 5th Element, Blow, etc. make my night. But if you want me to watch Chronicles of Riddick, The Godfather, Scarface, Die Hard, Platoon, Fight Club, etc. on a daily basis or in the theater constantly, I am NOT your girl. And I can only stand sports if MY team is playing.*You must pay for dinner at least some of the time. Call me old-fashioned. Call me a moocher if you want. I believe that men should act like a gentleman some of the time at the very least. Plus, if you're asking me to go out, I wouldn't be spending my money anyway if you hadn't asked me. So you should pay, yo. The majority of the time I'm not going to let you pay for me, but you'd better offer sometimes. Makes me think you really like me or summin'.*You must be smart. How else can I say this? I want to be able to carry out an intelligent conversation with someone about a topic of my choosing. You don't have to be a rocket scientist, but double negatives are my pet peeve.*You must be able to accept that I'm going to baby you after we've been dating a while. You can whine about it if you want, but I'm going to take terrific care of you. I give massages...great ones. I bake cookies and cook dinner and tend to the sick. It's how I am. Because I am like this, I will expect you to help me when I need help every so often. I don't mean to be a bother! Sometimes I just can't do it alone.* to say this. You must be a little bit the bedroom. Nothing orgies or bum action or anything totally off. But some ever so slightly kinky things are a turn on for me, and when they're totally rebuffed--I'm instantly turned off. It needs to be said that at this juncture it would take a helluva lot to get me to do the horizontal mambo. I would need to become comfortable, and I hear that takes time. Good communication is honestly the best thing in the bedroom. I'm sorry. I think I'm worth waiting for. Once you get on the ride, I know you'll think so too. Patience is a virtue, and only the virtuous get the prize.*You must not borrow money from me. I'm sorry. I'd like to loan it to you, but experience has taught me that this is bad. Only resentment results from this kind of behavior. I wish it weren't true. I wish I could be cool with it. But the truth is I need my money. You need to have your own. Sorry.*Please believe in some kind of higher being. Or at least don't tease me when I go to church. God has given me a lot of great things. Why shouldn't I be grateful?So that's it. If you think you make the cut, lemme know. I won't expect anyone. I know that it's a lot to expect of anyone.