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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi there I'm jEjU ( jee joo) short for Jeffy Juggz...mmm I love a girl with juggs!
THIS IS NOT CHANI'S (aka Trag) account! More than 1 person runs this account! No personal messages to her. If you want to contact her please email her at [email protected]
Dont forget to send me photos of you and your pals so I could put them in my album. Does your stuffie pal have an account?! Bet not!
For starters, I want to be the most popular stuffie on Myspace! yes...more popular than that stupid sock monkey from hell, I never got along with him.
There I was, in my corner at KB Toys...tagless...and the only monkey surrounded by all these colorful stuffies. They were nice to me, but the customers weren't. I was the outsider of the bunch just sitting there. My velcro handies were all out and about and kids said I was ugly and not pretty enough. They would pick me up, look at me, make fun of me, and then just toss me back on the shelf. I was only put up straight again when new stuffies would arrive. Slowly all my colorful stuffed friends started leaving me, new ones came and left.I was the only one of my kind. Alone.
Then there she was, Chani. It was luv at 1st site!! She adopted me May 2004 and she was 17 going on 18 and like any stuffie to their owner I've had her back since we met!
TAKE CARE OF YOUR STUFFIES!! It's very cliche for children to have "toys" as best friends that they take everywhere and then they are replaced by electronics, makeup, boys, girls...and just forgotten. As you get older you get real "friends" and friendships are hard to keep.
No matter how old you get, you should remember the friends that always listened to you, hugged you, watch you sleep, there where ever you took them,that were always there when you needed them...your toys, your stuffies...YOUR FRIEND!
Please, dont just throw us away. If you move on, there's plenty of places where we can be loved! Wash us up, take us to a children hospital, orphanage, or even a donation box on the holidays. There's plenty of people, kids, that need love and our hearts are full of it to share with everyone.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

STUFFIES AND YOU!! send me pictures of your pals amd I'll put them in my photo album!
hot and cute asian girls to touch my fuzzy body!

Donkey Kong and Jo Kennedy!
I'm sucker for Jo Kennedy's accent and hot red hair! Here's her singing "Monkey in Me" from the movie Starstruck! I like to pretend she's singing it to me ...I wanna be the monkey "in" her ^_^

My Blog

Monkeys in Pop Culture!

I wanna make the list one day! comments and kudos are disabled, its for your enjoyment!
Posted by on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 09:13:00 GMT