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About Me

one day i met a boy. he taught me that im not flawless and That sometimes a few words can change everything. And you should always go for things you want no matter what may happen. How it's hard to do things on your own. And to always try and help. And how nothing is out of reach if you try your hardest. That one day ill find out where home really is. And it's not the destination but the trip along the way that's important. How you need the best of memories to help you while you're looking. And to be a better kinder person. That risks are what make the world worth living in. Most of all that people change and die and you have to learn to say goodbye because you can never get them back, and that, thats alright. he taught me that some things don't always work out exactly as you plan them. Because one mistake equals losing the best things you've gained. How time seems to stop in the moments that mean the most. And that the worst days with someone you care about are better then the best days without them That its always nice to have thoughts of those moments that have past. Because forever, can go away in a split second. And how holding on, just alittle, means having inspiration to last a lifetime. I learned that real love offen disguises itself as friendship. And that some people can never really be replaced, but some how are still there. Random things: I could live under the stars. Ive always wanted so much more. Regret is a word im very familar with. I think girls with red hair look especially good in green. No one knows the real me few people ever did. Some people are worth remembering. I realized to late what i really need to be happy I don't quite know whatsmost important to me anymore. I just spelled "label" wrong. I want to go back and change everything. I'm not the same person i once was. I havn't always made the right decisions. I sleep late in the day because i dont really have any reason to get up. Living well is the best revenge. You can call me beautiful:). If you were there and arn't anymore it's not personal :) I don't really count on people because i always get let down. People shouldn't be so mean. Theres a perfect time for everything. I dont very much know who i am. but if you try you could find something worth while. I'd like to think i'm a nice person. How i feel has alot to do with the people around me. I hate fights and miss a best friend. A friend i'll never see again. Ive forgotton what love is, but ill know it when i see it again. If i see it again I don't own a cell phone. I think everyone should find their own answers. I'm not a morning person. I add to this all the time. I don't know where my real friends went to.. The people on the page are people i adore So don't be atotal stranger. Im a product of to much loss. If you need someone to talk to im a great listener. Theres not a lot of people i can rely on. And fewer that i can trust. I'll speak the truth or nothing at all. I'm extremely persistent. Sometimes i want to give up. I'm afraid that one day i might. If someone asked you what you liked best, what would you say?
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:



i listen to absolutely everything besides like classical music. lol stuff like that i dont like. lol


the crow-my all time favorite movie thirteen eurotrip house of wax the skeleton key half baked gothika dead birds


um....i dunno whatever i feel like watching..


the bible the davinci code-you'll need a dictionary running with scissors go ask alice five ppl u mee in heaven and lots of others..


Jesus Christ.3

My Blog

goodbye bitches!

its funny how ppl are like.. one minute your bestfriend then the next minute its like hey lets just not talk to her anymore. wtfe though. bitches i tell ya this is the main reason why.. i dont go arou...
Posted by Shamus on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:00:00 PST


the lyrics to this song are amazing.Now that don't kill mecan only make me strongerI need you to hurry up nowcause I can't wait much longerI know I got to be right nowcause I cant get much wrongerman...
Posted by Shamus on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:00:00 PST


you were the one person that wasnt supposed to do this time.
Posted by Shamus on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:36:00 PST

new beginings sad endings.

so can you believe summers almost over?. school starts for everyone in like.. 2 days.. crazyness. its crazy this summer started out.. like absolutely amazing.. and now its like poop. it sucks pretty b...
Posted by Shamus on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:59:00 PST

eh. just read it.

I hate you for livingI hate you for breathingbutI love you for livingI love you for breathingI needYou and every bit of you until i collapseI cant stand this suffocating silence You cant leave me like...
Posted by Shamus on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:51:00 PST


so yeah.. me and kammi are sittin here.. and were extremely bored.. and it sucks so lets do something like party.. or somethin ya know.. listen to loud music and sing real loud haha good times. bye.
Posted by Shamus on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:21:00 PST


so yeah. old feelings are back again. and im not really sure what to do. its weird like how you think somethings over.. and that its just a friend then but then you just let it all out and that person...
Posted by Shamus on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 05:20:00 PST

oh you know.

so im figuring out that things dont always go the way i want them too and that no matter how hard i try and make myself want this . I cant. im stuck here waiting and wondering when all this bullshit i...
Posted by Shamus on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 03:03:00 PST

read it bitches!

so im bored..and i decided to post a blog..because i never have..pretty amazing?...i know rite..anywayz..i want to go camping really bad but people are to big of pussys so sleep in a tent and be outsi...
Posted by Shamus on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:06:00 PST