BRIA♥NUHH profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

HELLO :) I THINK MY FRIENDS ARE THE BEST.i talk too much. i say sorry even more. i don't dislike anyone. i love to laugh. . i miss afew people. i wish they were here. i am easily amused & i start conversation with anyone.I AM JUST ABOUT THE BIGGEST LOSER U WILL EVER MEET....I HAVE AN IQ OF 2 ...BUT IM BALLING NIGGA I GOT A MOVIE THEATRE IN MY CRIB WUTS UP??? POPCORN ANYONE?? so don't be frightened if i say hello to you in the hallways. :)♥

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My Interests

time started: 12:23
full name: brianna jean harvey
nickname(s): bri-z, boyabus,brizeer, b-cat
birthday: 11-15-89
where were you born: planO, texas
zodiac sign: ScoRpiO
height: 5-0
weight: 102 ?
hair color: brownn
eye color: hazeLL
shoe size: 6 1/2
ring size: idk dont wear them too much
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): tan
blood type: good question
grade: 10th
GPA: hmm im not sure i think 3.0
siblings: one bro
tattoos: nope.. maybe someday. nothing drastic
piercings: ears & belly babbby
hobbies: reading running and having fun??
color: lime green
food: cereal!!
candy: raisennetts and starburst
type of cheese: ..Bree cheese?
pizza topping: pepparonee
salad dressing: vinagerette
sandwich: grilled cheese with jelly
cereal: AnYY..reeses peices.?
fruit: pears
vegetable: carrots
berry: uhh blue!!
: bunt
book: theres a boy in the girls bathroom
movie: zoolander//
magazine: teen vogue/entertainment
newspaper: dallas morning news
tv show: house..cold case...laguna beach..inferno
website: this..)
radio station: 106.1 KISS FM
font: impact && veranda..
cartoon character: pink panther!!
artist (painter): all the ninja turtles
actor: ben stiller.adam sandler..lotss
actress: kate beckinsale//sandra bullock...lots
cd: hanson
song: tangled up in me
music group: dave matthews band
music type: [pop]
day of the week: sundays
month: december
season: fall
holiday: christmas
shampoo: tresemme/garnier fructis
conditioner: " "
number: 3
phrase: shutyoface
store: walmart// the cool kids go there
weather: windy && sunny.
restaurant: larrys
channel: i want my MTV
teacher: mrs. WandTke
weekend activity: hanging with friends
hangout: anywhere
house color: maroon
sport to watch: football
sport to play: trackk/vball/soccer
animal: doggs
flower: any
guy's name: oh boyy. you pick
girl's name: cool names like zoey and cloey
board game: cranium
party game: poker
story from childhood: the next door meighber story.
body part: ojos
have you ever
been on a train: [greyhound]
been on a plane: YEAH!!
been in a car accident: just a fender bender
caused a car accident: not that im aware of
run into a wall: haha yah
burned a potato chip: no-i should try it though
almost burned the house down: no way.
smoked: cant say that i have
been drunk: dont think so
been high: heck naw.
broken the law: yup but nothing serious
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes): yess .--trickky
kissed someone of the opposite sex: of course
kissed someone of the same sex: ???
frenched an animal: nope.
made out: fosho
had cyber sex: umm.negative
gotten engaged: maybe in another lifetime
had an online relationship: no --too complicated
been rejected by a crush: i think so
loved: im not sure
made yourself cry to get out of trouble: guilty.but it weas a long time ago
cried in public: oh yah.ask everyone in my english class.haha
cried over a movie: who hasnt? can you say notebook//meet joe black//
fallen asleep in a movie theater: yah. some action flick- in florida
given someone a bath: my dog.
been to a boarding school: no & i dont plan on it
been home-schooled: no.i want to try it for a day though
lost a valuable item: yess sirr.
bungee jumped: kinda scared to
skied: mmhmm
met the president: nope but i got his phony signature on a award once
met a celebrity: not really..i know a guy that knows tom cruise?
gotten a cavity: more than enoguh
shopped at abercrombie & fitch: ohf coors
made a prank call: haha you know it
skipped school: nope.
faked sick to get out of school: no-i hate missing school
purchased something that you knew didn't fit: yeah- i donno y either
climbed a tree: yah. it used to be easy
fallen from a tree: no- sounds scary
broken a bone: no=im a wimpp
sprained anything: yah//ankle
passed out: i dont think so
made yourself pass out: almost but not quite
been to disney world: YAH!! oh boy it was funn
been to a theme park (not disney): 6 flags baby!!
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): im learning how to
made a model volcano (working model): noo my science projects arent that complicated
made a clover leaf with your tounge: is that possible?
what did you do yesterday: saw a movie with my cousin
memory you miss the most: 8th grade dance
memory you want to forget: idk..none
something you regretted after it was done: hitting my brother with a baseball bat when i was in like 3rd grade
the last
song you heard: the veronicas-4ever
cd you bought: jamie foxx
thing you said: can you hand me my pillows?
time you cried: i think about a week ago
movie seen in a theater: wolf creek
thing you ate: oreos
person who called: austin
nail polish shade worn: black with sparkles
time you showered: haha uhhh.// saturday
person who complimented you: good question
at this moment
what are you listening to: my dads [relaxation music] if you know me you know what im talking about
what are you wearing: texas tech t- shir//t red soffes//black sweat pants//glasses
what are you thinking: should i get a bowl of cereal?
what are you scared of most: growing old
how many people are on your buddy list: 173 i think
occupation: psychiatrist
marriage site: outside i hope
honeymoon: anywhere. just not in a dumpster
place to live: same as above
kids: No DouBt aBouT it!
car: a buggie..
what are you doing tomorrow: i dont know.. got plans?
do you think george bush will be reelected: not possible.//hes already serving 8 years
will there be a wwIII: i hope not- i hate fighting
will politics ever be truthful: probably not
will humanity snuff itself out: idk what that is
can the gov. be changed: maybee.
best friend: olivia lynchh
funniest: laura dibari
silliest: caty dibari
loudest: sabrina
quietest: moni
craziest: scotty s
calmest: laura evans
skinniest: laura d
best secret keeper: olivia
worst secret keeper: sabrina
the one you have but don't want: none
smartest: laura evans
preppiest: olivia
peppiest: sabby
most hyper: carrie
hottest: boston
weirdest: all of us
biggest pervert: trey
most annyoing: n/a
shyest: dont have one
most religious: laura d
do you believe in
heaven: fosho
hell: kinda scary but yah.
angels: mmhhm
devil: eeekss
god: YAY!!!
buddha: idk..naw.
aliens: hmm if i saw one
ghosts: like casper? hes tight.
spirit (soul): kinda
soulmates: yah
reincarnation: kinda weird
love at first sight: mhm
karma: oh yah
love in general: sure y not
luck: haha mos deff
who and when was your first crush: uh colin tully- in florida
any now: one
a celebrity crush: uh they are cool but outta my league
who do you want to be with right now: j.b.k.
whos number do you want: yours
who do you want to kiss: santa
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: why they leave the toilet seat up
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: my grandpa
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you: ummm id say about an 8.456 repeated
first thing noticed about the opposite sex: smile and eyes
what do you look for personality-wise: FuNNy..SweeT..
biggest turn on: making me laugh
biggest turn off: cockiness
something thay weat that turns you on: necklaces
something they wear that turns you off: nothing really
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you: roses and all that stuff.//or a park or someinthg like in the movies// how cliche
the most romantic thing that has happened to you: i got roses delivered to my door at 6 in the morning
what do you wear on a coffee date: a semi cute/ comfy outfit.
is it right to flirt if you're taken: naw. not too much.
is cyber cheating: idk i havent tried
are eyes the passegeway to the soul: i tihnk so
who would you like to take to the prom: j.b.k.
do you want to hug somebody right now: yesss indeed
do you know what an aphrodisiac is: yah i like that word actually
mellow: couch with hot choco && a movie
melancholy: sit alone with rain on your window
the perfect date: dinner then a walk
the perfect mate: hard to describe
how m&m's are made: choclate bubbles with sugar coating thats colored
why manhole covers are round: i donno what that is
one or the other
coke/pepsi: neither
sprite/7-up: spritee
boxers/briefs: boxxers?
gold/silver: silver
vanilla/chocolate: both
flowers/candy: depends on who its from
book/magazine: magazine
tv/radio: radio
glass half empty/half full: half fULL
democrat/republican: repub?
colored pencils/markers: markers
coffee/tea: tea!![green herba]
sun/moon: sun-WARMM
day/night: if there is stars--night.
hot/cold: hot
dog/cat: dogg
button/zipper: zipper . i love the noise
cotton/feather pillow: cotton
blue/purple: purple
plumber/trashman: trashman
jeans/shorts: soffes
long distance relationship/none: none
mechanical/regular pencil: mechanicall
matt/ben: matt
that 70's show/simpsons: simpsons
kelso/eric: eric
donna/jackie: donna
bart/lisa: lisa
romeo/juliet: they go together
romantic comedy/thriller: rom comm!!
nsync/bsb: nsync
peanut butter/jelly: WHAATT?? isnt it PB && J
waffles/pans: flapjacks.mmm
letter/email: letter--its worth the wait
florida/california: fla
pizza/burgers: burgers
hat/visor: hatt
football/rugby: football
iceskating/blading: blading
movie at home/in theater: ((@ home))
first thing you think of when you hear
yellow: coldplay
red lipstick: mom
socks: toes
cowtipping: poor cows
moulin rouge: oo le voocoo shay avay sway..or however you say it
greenland: grass?
iceland: ice??
harry potter: lightning bolt
red: texas tech
blackberry: phone
rose: rose bowl--football season
rooster: bawwwkk
taxes: UGHH
bill clinton: haha mad props.--big chin
whipped cream: desert
george w. bush: baby face
lollipops: sugar!
dreams: perfect
love: complicated
guys: same as above
south park: haha funny
boy bands: steriotypical
pengiuns: that new movie that just came out about them
girls: best friends
thong: undies?
death: ahhh
spoons: forks
junk mail: trash it
dairy: moooo
panties: bedtime
your father: awwwee
pizza: greassy
britney spears: oww oww
vitamin: c
are you
happy: YEAH.
sad: no way
religious: some what
bitchy: i hope not
crazy: yah a little
messy: right now.but not always
mad: nope.. waste of time to be mad
slacker: i have been- i need to quit that
nerd: yah. ill admit it
bookworm: unless i like the book.nope
jock: sure..but theres more than meets the eye
preppy: yeah// mostly
selfish: im sure i probably am.
giving: i want to be. if i can help you please tell me asap
obsessive: over some things
violent: haha farr from it
calm: now thats what im talkin about
peaceful: hummmmmmmmmmmmm
mellow: ya!!
eccentric: i dont really know what that means
caring: thats my goal. i hope thats what you think
untrustworthy: ahh say it isnt so.
loyal: mmhm
patriotic: for the most part
perverted: naw i dont think so
colorful: off course
artistic: no way justin got those genes
what color is your jacket: which one? i guess turqouise?
do you shave: hah yah.
where: my body.haha
what color is your razor: pink
what size is your bed: YAY im so glad you asked. it was a twin till today//now its a full
what color crayon would you be: probably that neon yellow colr
what are the last four digits of you phone number: 1414
feelings ..ion: youLL regret it BIGG time../im not feelin it.
how lond does it take you to shower: about 12-15 minutes.depending on if i shave
what does your screenname mean: haha idk my bro calls me & he made my sn a long time ago
thoughts on blonde pop stars in general: they are cool. maybe self absorbed but cool.
who so you trust the most: olvia
is cussing a necessity in life: no/ it just helps us feel more is suitable in some scenarios
how about coffee: i live without it./ but thats just me
is the world screwed: haha doesnt have to be/not to me
what something you cant live without: people that impact my life
what time did you fall asleep: when last night? around 12-45
know what 69 means: lol..yuhh
how about 143: nope thats a new one for me
can you live without a microwave: no then i coouldnt cook tea!!
what do think about death: it scares the crud outta me
where and when do you want to be married: anywhere --time wise ..not right now haha but on my early/mid 20s
do you want to drop out of school: no thats a big mistake
why is the sky blue: reflection from the water?? possibly?? ehh?
what is a good trait about yourself: oh boy idk.. i guess i like to brighten the that a trait though?
what do you always think about: if someone dislikes me
what is wrong with your school: umm not alot..but we dont get to leave 4 lunch.
what is right with your school: its fun to be there
how do you react to change: uh i go hay wire then get a grip and deal with things
do you talk to yourself: all the time
what is your opinion on love: [confusing]
can you afford to lose weight: yah. can you afford to buy me a car?
what color would you dye your hair: auburn
best thing anyones told you: when im with you nothing else matters because you make me smile
what is your reaction to someone telling you you're hot: is this some kinda of joke?
does being psycho appeal to you: you know it
if you wrote a book, what would it be about: all of the many random questions i have.
what would you change your name to: mrs. bojangles
longest crush lasted how long: 2 years? maybe
tme finished: 1:42
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