i love ...life, music, art, comedy ,photography, peotry , theatre, books,most people, most animals, trees ...anything to do with relieving of pain or healing,but mostly i love a man who can sing ! i enjoy working for myself, i am a multi tasker, essentially a hairstylist but also have my heart in music...
i also run a stall at music festivals doing face painting hairwraps and temporary body art, i have put together a few small music festivals, as well as operated as a music agent for many years and had the privalege of working as an agent and uk tour manager for amazing U.S. talents such as NEAL CASAL ,KENNY ROBY, RAMSAY MIDWOOD,FREEDY JOHNSTON, MATHEW HOUKE from PHOSPHORESCENT, ROY ROGERS, SHANA MORRISON, KATY MOFFATT, NADINE, in the UK i have helped promote many talented artists by putting festivals together, including LEATHERAT, THE SOCIALS, RACHEL GITTUS BAND, and at the moment predominantly helping TALENTED YOUNG SINGER SONG WRITER LUKE MAY , and his band ***THE HAPPY CLUB ****to get gigs around the UK ... www.myspace.com/thehappyclubband are a FUNK /INDIE BAND with wealth of potential, presently Luke May the songwriter of the band has about 3 albums worth of songs !!!!
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / The joined souls