Introducing You To Young MC known as YOUNG K or Exotic from North West London.Began the Music thing by giving it a try out to see if it was a thing for Him which he would like and enjoy so others and Himself realized that He Had had potential so then started to MC at the end of the 07 Year. He also made his own recording studio here he records some of his music but mainly uses other studios example:64 bar statement tune was made at his studio which made other mc's want to record in his studio which will be promoted more later on in the 2009 year.Create Music such as Grime & Rap. Also intending To do his music in his own style of way and not producing music that sound similar to other Mc's and the basic grime..Sport Is normally the main focus and priority in his time but Music is also part of it as in a way of doing two different things.There Are Also Other Websites where you Can Visit Such as YouTube, Face-book and twitter. For Contact On Hotmail and And Others Message Or Comment And You Will receive a Reply As Soon As Possible 1.