Twitter: FebruaryStar02
AOL IM: FuGurlMeg
LiveJournal: FebruaryStar02
I'm one of the most honest people I know. I love my name because it has exactly fifteen letters, divided equally among my first, middle and last name. My initials are also in alphabetical order. I hate my last name. I look forward to changing it when I get married. I live on the darker side of life. I have a very dry, sarcastic, sick, twisted, random, and morbid sense of humour. In middle school, I wanted to be a forensic pathologist for the FBI. Yes, I wanted to be Scully. I put he 'u' in words like 'humour' 'flavour' and 'favourite'. I'm a grammar and spelling Nazi, but I frequently typo. I've taken typing probably six times, but I really don't type using the proper keys. I hate when people misuse apostrophes and commas. People who don't know the difference between 'their' 'there' and 'they're' should be shot, as well as the people who don't know that 'alot' isn't a word. I always add "in bed" to then end when I'm reading a fortune from a fortune cookie. I love Japanese food. I have a weakness for Thai iced tea with boba. My cat is like my child, and she is way more badass than you'll ever be. (At least, she likes to think that...) At this point in my life, I believe kids aren't for me, but if I meet the right person, they could possibly change my mind. I love theatre. I love to sing and dance. I love the stage and all its superstitions. I love how just makeup can transform you into a totally different persona, but can be easily washed off. I love henna. I have an unhealthy addiction to Sephora, Jamba Juice, Starbucks, Panda Express and Old Navy. I love a bargain/deal/sale. I've been known to be a total girly girl at times. I love to watch football. I am a loyal USC fan. I'm not really a sporty person, nor really a graceful dancer, but I get by anyway. Performance wise, I'm a pretty good mover. Socially, I'm on the useless side. Any man who smells like Drakkar Noir or Aqua di Gio is a man for me. I don't care how many times you tell me how cheap Drakkar Noir is, or how many times you tell me you can buy it at Wally World, I still love it. I call WalMart 'Wally World'. I live for late-night trips to my local 24-hour WalMart. I love and respect all types of music. ALL types. I studied accordion for six years, and won many awards. I still have a big box of trophies. I was, at one point, a card-carrying member of the Official *NSYNC Fan Club. I am a MAJOR geek. I am very fond of my Ti-83+ graphing calculator. I am a MAJOR sap. I cry at everything, especially Disney movies. If I were ever to move somewhere that is too far away to drive to Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm (for the Boysenberry Pie & Boysenberry Punch), and an In-N-Out, I would shrivel up and die. I love to travel, but I am and will forever be a Southern California girl. I love rain. I love the smell of rain, especially on warm pavement. I listen to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it rains, with all the windows and doors open so I can hear the rain, and the stereo turned all the way up. I keep the stickers you get when you buy a CD, and I stick them on this binder I have. I've been doing that since about 8th grade. Dark chocolate is definitely a way into my heart. Or my pants. Either or, really. I love vintage clothing and jewelry. I'm a retro girl at heart. There are a lot of movies I've not seen, and I'm kind of okay with that. I don't jump on people's bandwagons. I've never been in the hospital for anything, broken a bone, or had the chicken pox. I knock on wood. I'm mildly superstitious. Sometimes, I think I'm dyslexic. At work, I'm meticulous. At school, I'm meticulous when I really want to be. At home, my room is a crazy, disorganized mess. I've never been much of a milk drinker, but as of late, I can't get enough. I'm always the one with the good advice, the comic relief, the friend...and never the girlfriend.