One half of indie pop peddlers Junk Disciples emerged from the ashes of the 1990's and collectively named themselves Junk Brothers . Under this moniker they have drifted through various genres of art & creativity releasing the anguish inside them. WideOpenSpace is the music they have.
Please find below their material thus far ..
2003 Twisted A dark debut album bereft of the 3 minute jangly pop songs their former incarnation was synonymous with. This helped to exorcise the ghosts and firmly waved goodbye to youth.
Life in a day
A 5 track mini album featuring Miss Stacie Cabasa on vocals.
strange gen e rationA stark look at the 21st century.
WideOpenSpace are back in the studio recording some new tracks and hope to be playing live in your town very soon ..! In the meantime, here's some television...