Rose profile picture


Imagination rules the world

About Me

I grew up in a small town in South Louisiana. I moved to Orlando a little over five years ago. I am PR major at Valencia CC and would like to get into sports (NASCAR or Football) soon or after graduation. I am also an aspiring writer and spend as much time as I can typing away. Until I graduate or am published I work for a law firm in O-town.

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You Are An Apple Tree
You are quiet and shy at times, but you have lots of charm and appeal.
You are quite attractive: your pleasant attitude, flirtatious smile, and adventurous spirit draw people in.
Sensitive and loyal in love, you want to love and be loved.
You are a faithful and tender partner - who is generous in sharing your many talents.
You love children, and you need an affectionate partner. What's Your Celtic Horoscope?

My Interests

Reading, writing, singing, NASCAR, football

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting people. My Mom says I can talk to a tree. LOL I can pretty much talk to anyone and love to learn from people about where they come from, what makes them tick, and everything in between. I like to observe poeple. I love just being myself and making people laugh...just ask the girls at work! ;-) And even though I may be courageous enough to start a conversation, I probably won't make the next move...that is completely up to you.

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Top Five Favorite Songs: 1. Sailing by Christpher Cross 2. Cool Change by Little River Band 3. You Gotta Be by Des'ree 4. No Fear by Terri Clark 5. Clocks by Coldplay I listen to just about every genre of music. I love oldies and classic rock. But I also love country and alternative. I listen to new age and classical. I love music and would rather listen to it than the TV.


Not a big movie person...would rather read a book but I do love old musicals and classic movies. Grew up on John Wayne and James Bond. I love Ever After and any movie that has to do with fairy tales. I don't really watch a lot of movies these days.Myspace For Girls Only -


I love watching shows about history. History Channel is great. Love Food Network. Always watch the Golden Girls! And no, Mom, (LOL) I don't watch the Weather Channel much anymore! ;-)


Anything romance...DUH! RT convention April 2007 in Houston! I love the Harry Potter series! I do some reading for research for my stories. Lately, I've read a few books about the "other side" and the paranormal.


My parents.

My Blog

New Year...

I'm really glad 2006 is over! It had it's good points, but it also had its bad...and psychologically, the bad always out weighs the good. Unfortunately. So here I am with a more postive outlook for '0...
Posted by Rose on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:52:00 PST


Oh. My. Lord.That's all I can say. Ok let me start at the beginning. As you may know, I'm a huge Breaking Benjamin fan (they're only my favorite rock band). BB was in Orlando last night, opening for G...
Posted by Rose on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:25:00 PST


Ok...I know it's been a while since I've updated anything...sorry, but things have been, to say the least, super super SUPER busy for me. Work's work and that's all I can really say about that. We get...
Posted by Rose on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 08:33:00 PST


Ok...So I just need to say this and I figure I'll say it here rather than to the party involved b/c that would just get me fired. So here's the senario: I come into work. Sit at my desk and just being...
Posted by Rose on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 08:17:00 PST

Moved in!

Hey there everyone. Hope everything's been going well for y'all. I've been busy. Moved into my new apartment this weekend. My roommate and I did it mostly all by ourselves. The help we did get was a h...
Posted by Rose on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 02:20:00 PST

Back from the Races

I'm back from Daytona! Well...I've been back for a week now, but I'm just now getting the chance to post this... I had a wonderful time! I got to spend some great time with my family. I also had a fan...
Posted by Rose on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:23:00 PST


Well everyone, tomorrow night I'm off to Daytona for the races this weekend. It's sort of my belated birthday party. My brother, Dad and I all celebrate our birthdays in the summertime, so this is our...
Posted by Rose on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:04:00 PST


In the lonely hours of darknessI wait.I listen for the slightest whisper,The slightest rushOf calming comfortAnd unending love.In the lonely hours of darknessMy hope flaresLike the wick of a candleWhe...
Posted by Rose on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 08:44:00 PST

What happens at RT...Stays at RT.

I'm back from my first RT convention! All I can say is WOW! I had a fantastic time meeting everyone and hanging out. I'm sooo exhausted, tho. You guys wore me out. LoL I checked into the hotel on Tues...
Posted by Rose on Wed, 24 May 2006 01:54:00 PST

On my way!

Well everyone! It's been three years in the making! I'm finally going to RT!  I'll be leaving in about an hour to head on over to Daytona Beach. I'm soooooo looking forward to meeting the girls f...
Posted by Rose on Tue, 16 May 2006 06:34:00 PST