I'm just your average Thundercats ho profile picture

I'm just your average Thundercats ho

here is the church and here is the steeple. we sure are cute for two ugly people. i dont see what an

About Me

"Without 40 ounces of social skills, I'm just an ass in the crack of humanity. I'm just a huge manitee. A huge MANITEE!"

retromyspace.com Layouts and Backgrounds

My Interests

RUSSELL!!!!! 3333 cillian murphy. music. reading. intelligence. coffee. people. anyone. smoking cigarettes. green eyes. skirts. piercings. tattoos. rap music is fun. open minds. WINONA FUCKING RIDER!!! making shirts and hoodies. making anything. being crafty. pierogies. video games. xbox360 live. nintendo ds. resident evil 1 and 4.

I'd like to meet:

anyone who is friendly really. ... AND i'd also like to meet the people that made this amazing website that i just recently found:http://www.demonbaby.com/blog/2004/04/first-annual-mys pace-stupid-haircut.html


THE MOLDY PEACHES!!!, of montreal,yeah yeah yeahs, roy, the shins, elliott smith,bjork,tori amos,pj harvey, patti smith,tegan and sara, the smiths, the cure, the arcade fire, bright eyes, death cab for cutie, eisley, elton john, joanna newsom, le tigre, ima robot, local h, REM, rilo kiley, snow patrol,the postal service, sonic youth, the get up kids, the weakerthans, roy, the killers, at the drive-in, the cars, minus the bear,the occasional really catchy rap song, dead prez, dilated peoples, wu tang, and anything really happy and/or corny.


pumpkin...ya know, that one where christina ricci (omg..she's so hott!) falls in love with a handicapped boy...yah..it's cute, trainspotting, a clock work orange,fight club(since i finally saw it..lol),scary movie 2 (haha),monty python and the holy grail, the excorcis t(haha..i love you elise), american history x, ferngully-haha, donnie darko, the virgin suicides, the lion king... makes me cry EVERY time, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, tommy boy, this is spinal tap, ferris buellers day off, dogma, the crow, waynes world... a lot... lol... rocky horror picture show, hedwig and the angry inch, COFFEE AND CIGARETTES! haha...i beat you, russel!




the catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger, smack by melvin burgess, the perks of being a wall flower by stephen chbosky, rats saw god by rob thomsd, 1984 and animal farm by george orwell, don't sleep with your drummer...hmm...jen something maybe??, welcome to the monkey house by kurt vonnegut.


george orwell and my mom.

My Blog

I love people...only, not at all.

so, this is going to be a rant. a rant about the kind of people i hate..which seems to be all i rant about really. can i just say that i hate people that think they are so fucking smart? and i know wh...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Thu, 03 May 2007 07:37:00 PST

is it corny to post pics of your tattoo on your myspace?

hell, yes it is! however, i am really in love with this tattoo. just got it done tonight.  my mother-in-law tried to get me to change my mind by showing me pics out of mother goose and egyptian b...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 08:35:00 PST


So, I just wanted to tell everyone in the Reading area about this: Saturday, September 30th from 11-3:30. It's a walk for animals to help raise money for the humane society of berks county. It's going...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 08:22:00 PST

Movin' to the country...gonna eat me a lot of peaches

so, i decided that since i am bored, i should probably let everyone know how to tell when you are at russ's parents house: #1: you're sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette in the middle of the nigh...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:49:00 PST


well, i started college on monday. its okay. i am pretty pumped. my teachers are cool. the students are dumb. i dont  really feel like talking to anyone. this one girl in my math class kept looki...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:33:00 PST

so, apparently my car is a biohazard!!!

 usually, i dont write many blogs, but this was too good. it had to be shared.im quite impressed with how dirty i am. anyway... the car had been in the shop for like a week and a half. ...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Mon, 15 May 2006 09:33:00 PST


okay... so, philly pride day is coming up, and i think it will be really fun. its the day after my wedding actually. so, i will be there...and i think you should come too. more info:   www. phill...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Wed, 10 May 2006 10:08:00 PST

har har har.

so, i got to thinking today. while shaving my legs, i like to try and think of controversial issues. today that obviously wasnt happening cos all i could think of were scenesters. everyone alway...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

today was shit and then awesome

   well, my night just ended with a BANG! not literally..i didnt screw anyone, you perverts. lol. but i will say that i had a good night after all. when my day started, everythign was normal...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the days are long. the nights are even longer.

well, tonight was...pretty damn horrible quite frankly. work was work. okay, i guess. i mean, i love my job. i lvoe the people, and its easy. when i got home though, i really got it. dont really wanna...
Posted by I'm just your average Thundercats ho on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST