~A few typewritten words cannot define who I truly am. I am such a clusterf--k of traits, that you would have to meet me to get a real grasp on what makes me unique. It takes time & trust for people to gain access to my comfort zone, but once you earn that, it's yours for life, as long as you respect it for the gift that is is. Because I'll be perfectly blunt. I have reached capacity on being effed with and effed over. Screw with me, & you'd best be prepared to meet with a proctologist! I can be quite goofy, toxic & obnoxious, and love to laugh until I cry. The PC Patrol can ride BOTH of my middle digits. B.S. belongs in a rodeo. I say what I feel...when I choose & where I wish. Don't like it? Boo-effin' hoo! I am who I am & your approval isn't needed. Yet by the same token, I have a very gentle heart and deliberately hurting others is not in my nature, unless provoked.~
~Despite the quick witted loudmouth you see on the internet, I am quite a bit more reserved & at times shy with people I do not know well in everyday reality. Put me in a situation with complete strangers, & I tend to freeze up. The internet is my safety zone. My family & friends mean everything to me, and I will put on the gloves for those I love. So I DON'T rectummend going there! I am an extremely down to earth person. I have simple needs & beliefs as to what true happiness & fulfillment consists of. Materialistic, shallow people repel me. I'm sickened @ how much of soceity wallows in greed...arrogantly judges others and has a WADABOUTME?! mentality. They're the kind of people I would like to see live with a disability or hardship to deflate their swollen egos.~
~ Internet trash talkers get me green. We should all remember that the people on the other side of our monitors are HUMAN BEINGS. Only the cowardly hide behind their invisible barriers, spewing hate speech, hurt & intolerance in a twisted attempt to inflict emotional pain on others. You can't control the depravity of humanity, but you CAN control your own conscience. For you never know when YOU might become the victim, rather than the assaultor. Too many wannabe bada$$es infecting the internet, and not enough true life courage.~
~And finally, looks wise..I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be something I'm not. You won't require a drool rag when I pass by! What you see here is not the flesh & blood me. It's a flicker, frozen in time. I'm not a skinny chick. Those days have come and gone. My true beauty lies far beneath the surface if you care to take the time to discover it. I'm cute, not sexy. I'm subtle, not slutty. I'm flawed, but my battle scars are my living diary. Imo, beauty comes in a billion and one different packages. Some are just wrapped in fancier paper. And sometimes you open them up to find nothing but an empty box while the more plainly wrapped gift might contain something priceless.~