My Name is Jana Nicole Whaley it was Bright before i got married. Im married to a Great Man, and have the most BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER in the WORLD. My Daughter is my WORLD and NOTHING comes before her, i will do whatever it takes to give her everything she wants but i am lucky enough to have a husband that provides for us and gives us everything we could ever want and works so hard so all i have to do is love and take care of our daughter and he does all the rest. Im working on going back to school im just not sure what I want to do just yet and im not just yet ready to leave her with anyone else. I have Major trust and seperation issues. I seem to attract the people that only call when they want something, and they are never there for me when I need them but im always there for them im really tired of that. I like to change my look every now and then just for the hell of it Boredum comes to me very quickly, I get Mad very fast, and I hold grudges. I hardly every like people when I first meet them, so if I like you from the start be happy about it lol. I hardly ever will start the a converstion with some one I dont know but I do like to meet new people but I just dont like to put my self out there
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