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Love by ruby mae
Your name
Your partner
You two are Inseperable
Your meeting was by Destiny
They are your Sweetheart
You are their Shining star
Your love will Be unconditional

Quiz created with MemeGen !


i CAnT LiVe wiTHOut MuSic SOmeTImEs I pREfER mUSIc thAn tV... SoME bOOTy shAKin MUsiC iS aLWAYs GOOd... eSpeCiALLy BreAkIN iT doWn aT thE CLuB... "SHAKe sHAke ShAKe" oR sOME sLOw chILL mUsIC... "Cause I Dont wANNa LeAVe BUt i GoTTA gO rIGHt NOw iLL bE bACk tO hOLd YOu DoWn... StREEts BE cALLiN me" "i jUSt CANt Help mYseLf... i DOnt WanT NOthIng ELSe... aLL i WaNT iS You To stAy wiTH mE... Why Dont tO YOu stAy Me WIth"...GoTTA LOVe Em ghEttO GAnGstA mUSic "wE YOuNg We FLy ANd We GoTTa sTiLL fLY tIL thE dAY we diE" "Im UndER 21 wITh A BLAcK And YeA i KnO thAt wAS kiNDA a Low BlOw" aNd CrY bABy sONgs Are FuNNy tO sINg ALOng wITh "Im sO siCk Of LoVe SoNG sO SAD aNd SLoW sO wHy Can'T i TuRN oFf THe rADio" ANd THe ONe aND oNLy gWen StefAni... "thEY LiKE thE wAY i MOve tHey LIkE thEy I dANCe" (i THiNK thAT's thE wAY iT goEs... iTs A nEW sONg)


i LIkE aLL tyPEs Of moVieS... EspECiaLLy LoVe ANd BasKEtBaLL, CinDeRELLe wItH The fiLIpINo PRiNCE, BarBEr SHoP CAuSE RiCkY iS HOt, CinDereLLE sTORy CaUse ChAD MurPHy MiChAeL, BLooD In BLooD ouT JuSt GoTTa MaKE Sure I DoNT tALk To JeFF wHEn HeS waTCHin iT... FOur BrothERs, 40 Year OLd vIrGIn


i LiKE wAtCHin tV... I eVEn hAVe dVR... sO whEn iM NOt ArOUnD, tOO LAzY, oR WaNNa sLEEp i CAn wATCh iT LATer... iM stILL lOviN One TrEE, reAL WORLd wASnT gOOD tHIs LAst seASon BUt IM LOviN The GauNLet (VEts vs rOOKs) LaGuNA BEACh iT dONE fOR tHE SEaSOn CAnT WAiT FOr tHE hILLs WiTH Lc iN lA... OH anD i LIke wATCh sOme thINGs ON sPeed On DeMAnd LIke thE coNCept CAr Show In JApAn... PReTTy siCk... bUT LAtElY i DoNt hAve thAt mUCh tiME to sIT And waTCh ON oUR nEW tV

My Blog


toNigHt wE hAd dINNEr aT mOMs HOUse cauSE We cANt eaT MEat On fridaY  anD uNCLe ALberT maDe fiSH... weLL iT staRted Out An ORdinAry diNNEr... unTiL a bIG queStioN wAS askEd...   yEs jeFF A M...
Posted by MaiJe on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 06:21:00 PST