L.T.D.M.S. is a belgian band coming from Brussels and Ciney. It's playing noisy post-rock songs. Live, the sharp guitars are softened by the flute and xylophone of Fred.
The group appreciates to recreate on stage a place which is his own by installing TV's, projectors or filtered lights.
After the EP "Demos" in 2004, the first album of L.T.D.M.S. is out in 2007 on the micro-label Nationale 4 Records and is distributed in Benelux countries and in France by COD&S and CD1D.
You can buy online our CD or MP3 by CD1D
The band has written new material for his new album the should be recorded hopefully in end of 2009...
PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE ( http://www.ltdms.be ) ! THANKS...
VISITEZ NOTRE SITE WEB ( http://www.ltdms.be ) ! MERCI...
"10" Live at Maison Mai - 26/08/08
"3"Live at Coulisses St-Jacques (10/06/05)