My business is network marketing and I have a lot of respect for the industry. I appreciate the industry because of the person it forces you to become. If there were'nt any successful people to come out of network marketing then I wouldn't have the same admiration that I have. But that's not the case. There are many who have achieved major break throughs and success but the truth of the matter is, even if only one person in the entire world became financially independent then ANYBODY can. Talent has nothing to do with it. Just look at the music industry for example. There are lots of non talented individuals making it big and it is because either they or someone around them has some sound business and marketing skills. And it probably is always going to be this way. Fall in love with your product without having the same level of respect for business skills and marketing then your business is going to suffer. You have to already be successful to attract success in your life. That type of confident thinking gets stronger and stronger when you spend more of your time developing skills.
(Layout provided by Mike Industries .)