Soooo my name is Amy, I live in the middle of no where, and I'm probably pretty much a total nerd...My best friend is Elisa jean and I love her more than petty words could ever express. I have blue eyes and blonde hair that used to be REALLY long, but then I chopped it all off. Star Wars pwns. Also also, I have pirate/jedi/ninja skills and a couple dozen battle wookiees living in my basement(which btw is also where Macgyver HQ is stationed). I <3 tea to the max and back again, especially peppermint tea, white tea, and apple cinnamon tea. I'm homeschooled, but I'm not super smart or super stupid, and I'm not uber naive either...and my total nerdiness has nothing to do with it AT ALL. :)
There's one scientific law that was never written in text books and it states "Elisa Jean is a sexy beast". mmhmm.
I loooooove drawing and writing. And Aladdin is really sexy so I'm going to assasinate Jasmine even though she's pretty erotic. I love disney movies because I'm just that cool and Pirates of teh Caribbean is at the TOP...followed by Aladdin then The Little Mermaid, etc.. I really like pajama pants. And I was too stupid to pre order Wii so I don't have one yet, but I already bought Avatar for it :P CANNOT WAIT TO PLAY TWILIGHT PRINCESS!!!<3<3<3 zelda is the shiz to the max and back again. Raspberries and strawberries are my favorite fruits, but lately I've started to RLY like bananas but I won't eat them in front of you.... weird. but yeah, I can't think of anything more to type except....MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU :) amy loves new people so add her on msn! [email protected]
my band is RLY saawweeet so check us out
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