SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ profile picture

SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

..CHaNCe FaVoRS THe PRePaReD MiND.. ~SfNativE.ev~
.... ~=("Love is not about findin the perfect person, it's about learning 2 see an imperfect person perfectly")=~Have you ever been lying in your bed and wondered why you're still single? I suspect I'm not the only person who has asked that question, since to be alone is to be human. We're not always alone, which is nice, but there are times in our lives when we walk alone.When I was in my teens and even recently, I invested an enormous amount of energy to solve this problem. And I did view it as a "problem" to be solved. To be single was like having cooties. You simply had to get rid of them as fast as possible.And so I dated.Which is a euphemism for "I spent a lot of money!" =-)And I had the same expectations as the rest of the world. I wanted to meet someone that made my eyes water with joy. After more dates than I care to admit having I decided that my ideal woman was just that - an ideal.And then I started to wonder about myself. I was seeking something close to perfect, yet I was a cookie with lots of cracks. It seemed a little hypocritical to expect something in others that I didn't possess myself.It's like a guy who is out of shape expecting a beautiful female to give him the time of day....I'm just there..
"..LoVe iS THe SLoWeST FoRM oF SuiCiDe.."
CuLiNaRy eXTRaViGaNT~**..iN NoMiNe, FiLii, SPiRiTuS, SaNCTi..**~**..aSSuMPTioN iS THe MoTHeR oF aLL FuCKuPS..**

My Interests

~ Roderick and Raven ~ they are my pride and joys ~.. Gotta Love dA Dawgs - Diego, Rogue & CoCo~Latte.. Since I'm a SfNativE & I bleed red ~ gotta give it up for them SF 9ers, SF Giants, GoldENState Warriors, ( as you can see, I'm a Bay Way Fan ).. When winter hits, I'm out there hittin the slopes ~ Snowboarding.. I'm a skateboarder @ heart, so it was second nature to pick up snowboarding.. During the summer months, I'm like a fish.. Can't wait to get into the water. You may see me swimming or Wakeboarding.. Whatever is Clever.. So I guess you can say I'm a big Water fan.. I like it frozen, wet and even boiling while I'm cooking.. Let's see.. Sunny Days.. Long Nights.. I enjoy the beach.. I like to take long drives to clear my head.. Great Company.. I was in the Kicks business for a mighty long time.. So, naturally, I have an extensive collection of shoes.. Everything from Original Jordans to Air Max 95's.. It's a shame that I have quite a few shoes that i haven't even worn yet.. Man, if i sold all my shoes, I would have enough to buy an Infinity G35.. My newest ~ old interest is the culinary arts.. Now, I'm really cooking and having fun.. = My name is eVan and I'm an alcoholicLoVe iS FRieNDSHiP oN FiRe
~==~ br

I'd like to meet:

*My Queen will find me..*~=((..TO ALL YOU PEOPLE IN LOVE OR IN LIKE: Don't Make Someone Your Priority When You're Their Option!..))=~The Iron Chefs.. I could beat them in a cook off.. @ least in my dreams, I can.. Maybe in a year or 2 ~ I will be ready to take them on..Now just looking for my peeps..** .. == .. **....“What you want is rarely want you need; what you need is rarely what you want”.."You can always close your eyes to things you don't want to see; but you can never close your heart to the things you don't want to feel."


.."iNDia.aRie ~ TeSTiMoNy: vol 1, LiFe & ReLaTioNSHiP"..anything you can bob your head 2.. or anything that will make you cry.. MooD iS THe KeY.. ~ DePeNDS oN THe SiTuaTioN oR STaTe oF MiND.. ..~=(iN2 eaCH LiFe a LiL RaiN MuST FaLL)=~..


Boondock Saints, Once Were Warriors, Tae Guk Gi (the korean brotherhood of war story) Alot Like Love, 40 days & 40 nights, 50 first dates (a time I won't 4get), failure to launch, the notebook, Serendipity, who framed Roger Rabbit, Monster's Inc, Aladin , A Christmas Story, EverAfter "Are their Happy Endings?".. ~ I don't think so..

..CRieD 2 TeaRS iN a BuCKeT..

~ I am a big movie FReaK!! I've probably seen it @ the movies and purchased it on DVD.. Best Buy Loves me.. Everytime I go there, I walk out with @ least 3 movies.. I visit Best Buy @ least once a week..


Ironchef, Smallville, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy.. 2 bad I don't have cable or satellite.. I guess wuteva my rabbit ears will pick up..

adopt your own LOVE! ..


mEmoirs of A geiSha, drAwIng On thE rIght sIdE Of thE brAIn, THe RuLe oF FouR, aNGeLS & DeMoNS..

DoiN JuS FiNe!.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. SfNativE


Hong Kong Phuey ~ I really admire that Kung Fu Dog.. Besides him, I'm not sure if I can call anyone else my hero. There are people I admire and aspire to be like, But I don't believe there is anyone I can put @ Hero Status.. You can look up to people, but you shouldn't put them above yourself.. BeSiDeS, MoST PeoPLe WiLL JuST LeT You DoWN!!..

the paSt wAs grEat! BuT.... »-(¯..v..¯)-&& #035;187; WHaT WiLL THe FuTuRe HoLD?!?.. «-(¯..v..¯)-&& #035;171;
How Good do you Think you are at in the Love Category?

Favorite Color
Sex - 94%
Romance - 87%
Self - Control - 81%
Kissing - 91%
Cuddling - 77%
Kinkiness - 95%
This drEAm by SfNativE7 - Taken 3125812 Times. New - How do you get a freak to like you?..“SMiLe eVeN THRouGH YouR TeaRS ~ Be STRoNG eVeN THRouGH YouR FeaRS.”..

My Blog

..BuRFDaY.. uSeLeSS, BuT iNTeReSTiNG iNFoRMaTioN..

  24 July 1973 Your date of conception was on or about 31 October 1972 which was a Tuesday. You were born on a Tuesdayunder the astrological sign Leo.Your Life path number is 6.Life Path Compat...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 11:09:00 PST

iF WHo i aM iS WHaT i HaVe, aND WHaT i HaVe iS LoST.. THeN WHo aM i..?

i'Ve BeeN QueSTioNiNG MySeLF.. NoW THaT You'Re GoNe.. WHo aM i WiTHouT You NoW..? aND HoW CaN i Go oN.. i CaN'T BeLieVe THaT You'Re NoT HeRe.. aND You'Re NeVeR CoMiNG BaCK 2 Me.. i'M MiSSiNG eVeRyTHiN...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:44:00 PST

..iT'S JuST THe WaY LiFe WoRKS..

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll bre...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 01:13:00 PST

..HaPPy SuMMeR..

This is the longest day of the year accompanied by the shortest night of the year so make it a good one and don't let things get you down cause it is going to be a long day. And now for the scientific...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 01:55:00 PST

..i SHouLD Be DeaD..

Today was a really pretty day and it felt like the first day of Summer.  Even though it was a little windy and cold for the Sin City, the day seemed as if it was going to be perfect. I am s...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Sun, 28 May 2006 06:03:00 PST


Her pretty brown eyes, her thick beautiful black/ brown hair. FUCK LOVE, IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK ON ME. Her olive skin, cool colgate smile. FUCK LOVE, I'M NOT FALLING FOR THAT AGAIN. The alle...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 01:40:00 PST

..How Much Have You Changed Survey..

SoRRy..  JuST BoReD BeFoRe i Go To SCHooL.. 5 YEARS AG0.....How old were you?: 27Where did you go to school?: Didn't.. Where did you work? The Athlete's Foot #128 NatomasWhere did you live? ...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 02:32:00 PST


FRieNDS.. Recently..  I have parted ways with a few friends. Carmen, not sure what happened.  I thought a few fences were mended, but i guess i was wrong.  You let someone steer your co...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Mon, 15 May 2006 01:19:00 PST


I feel a lil discouraged..  Not sure what to think..  I see things, and just let it go..  Don't know what's going on.  I can't..  I can't be confused.  Tired of being in ...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 05:14:00 PST

3 days & counting..

Well, 3 days & counting till i'm living in the sin city of Las Vegas..  Daymn..  So much to do, So little time..  2 my peeps, you will be missed..  But everyone ends up in Vega...
Posted by SfNativE.eV ~ MR. PLaSTiC CHeF ~ on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:22:00 PST