I am COMPLETELY addicted to this video:Knowing how much this picture kills the people of Boston makes me smile:
Edmonton Fans... inspirational
Bono, George W. Bush, Sean Hannity (okay, so I've met him once), Adam Pascal, Idina Menzel, Michael Flatley, Jonathan Larson, JK Rowling, Dan Jansen
U2, Saw Doctors, Rent Soundtrack, Fall out Boy, Panic!, Lily Allen, Arcade Fire
Miracle, The Rock, Gone with the Wind, Rent, The Cutting Edge, The Breakfast Club, Napoleon Dynamite, Intermission, Good Will Hunting, Dumb & Dumber
Rescue Me, How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, American Idol, House, So You Think You Can Dance, Family Guy, Degrassi
The Harry Potter Series (espeically Prisoner of Azkaban), PS I Love You by Cecilia Ahern, Maeve Binchy books, James Patterson books, He's Just Not That Into You, Wicked
My parents :) My grandparents, Sean Hannity, all of those in the military - risking their lives to defend this great nation (even as their sacrifices are so underappreciated by so many here at home) SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!!