"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light."
My life would not be what it is without the special individuals I hold near and dear to my heart, spirit and soul. Each soul I consider a friend has been the medium to my happiness and balance. I am always looking to meet new people who share common interests, passions and experiences. I truly believe that there are no strangers in this world, only friends we have not met.
I am evermore blessed and loved by my Creator to have the instrumental loves of my life that contribute to my being. My best friends are the ones that bring out the best in me. Despite the temporal loss, distance or adversity between us, I know a love like ours will forever continue -- never diminishing to time, space, others and all else between -- for they are my soul's counterpart, my spirit's cornerstone, my everything. As you promised you are always with me, so am I. My prayers, thoughts and spirit lingers with you every moment. I love, cherish, respect and admire you truly, deeply and unconditionally. Nothing will ever change the love that grows for you each and every day. I'll continue my fight in all I do because of and for you; for you are the LIFE your LOVE has blessed WITHIN me.
♥lEiLaNi's♥ fAvOrItEs
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.:mY tOp MoDeL & DaNciN SuPaStAr hOlLyHoOd:.
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