♥ 0 Lord my God, You transcend all things; You alone ♥ are most high, most mighty, most sufficient and complete, most sweet and comforting. You alone are most full of beauty and glory, in Whom all good things in their perfection exist, both now and ever have been....
......and ever will be. All, therefore, is too small and unsatisfying that You can give me beside Yourself ♥, or that You can reveal and promise me of Yourself unless I can see and fully possess [~*YOU*~]. For my heart cannot rest nor be wholly content until it rests in You, rising above all Your gifts and creatures.
O Lord Jesus Christ, spouse of the soul, lover of purity, and Lord of creation, ♥ who will give me wings of perfect liberty, that I may fly to You, (Ps.55:63)... When shall I become recollected in You, that for love of You I may no longer be conscious of myself, but of You alone in a manner not known to all men, and above all perception and measure?
O Jesus, Brightness of eternal glory and comfort of the pilgrim soul, hear my cry, and regard my utter desolation. Words fail me in Your presence ... without You no day or hour is happy... for You alone are my joy. Sadness is my lot, and I am like a man imprisoned and loaded with chains, until You refresh me with the light of Your Presence, and show me Your face... ♥ -From The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis
 Layout by CoolChaser                 Â
One day, Every knee will bow and Every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!*~ ~ Did you know.. God's love for you ♥ is greater than anyone could ever fully comprehend? (Romans 10) =) He wants You to experience Joy Unspeakable and filled with Glory ~ =)
Please open your hand with ♥ His ♥.. and get ready to experience what it means to be Truly FREE ♥ !!*!!*!~*
With the Stunning special effects and the Life-changing message - this Previous video is INCREDIBLE!!! A "MUST-SEE"!!
♥ Love, ♥ You truly do make ALL THINGS NEW!!♥*~
"I want to see the worship arts take their rightful place on this planet to represent the King of glory and release heaven's atmosphere in all realms of society" (Dan McCollam)
The following video showed up on this page, literally "out of nowhere" on Feb. 27, 2008. I had never seen it before and was left captivated ~ Obviously, the Lord wanted it here to reveal His special Love ♥ just for You..