The Yankees! Poetry, Wine, Music and the Yankees.... Running in the cold wearing nothing but a leopard skin G-string and a yellow tunic freezing through the skin God gave me.... The Yankees... Dancing under the Brooklyn Bridge because I don't find myself in Brooklyn that often... so why not dance under an article of our Nation...
I'd like to meet people who make the difference. I'd like to meet men and women of passionate fury that want to change the world!
I want to enlist in a cause that makes the difference...
I want to meet someone who has some of the answers!....
From Bluegrass to Native Tongue Hip-Hop
I was watching Sesame Street the other day and I had a thought, "Why don't they make a show like this for kids?"..
Anybody who writes with soft passion and awe inspiring words
God, because He has a wonderful sense of humor... and a serious love for me... and you too...
Che, because he stood up for what he believed in... he fought for it, he died for it and he snubbed his nose in the face of oppression.
Garibaldi, because he was a little ginz that fought for the freedom of his country and unified a nation.
Ghandi, because he stood up to oppression and faced it with more courage than anyone in this modern age.
Scipio, because he had all the traits of a Caesar, none of the desire... he believed that the Republic came before his ambition...Ron Paul & Thomas Jefferson... because Jefferson was one of the founders of the Republic and Ron Paul is going to save it...