TMT METALFEST 2008 (In Tioga Downs, near Binghamton, NY) - is a 3 day open air festival celebrating all things METAL! Think of the Glory days of 70's and 80's concerts, now multiply that by infinity... We have bands from all over the US (many are destined for the big time), as well as England, Sinapore and Israel. (Yes, Isreal!) This concert will rival all the great festivals held in Europe. We have some great headlining acts, including: Flotsam and Jetsam, Icarus Witch, Chris Caffery (Of Savatage and the Trans Siberian Orchestra) and some surprise ones we can't name just yet ;) Tickets will be available soon, so be ready. Remember - 3 days, 40 bands and lots of KEGS!
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