From the Long Beach Press Telegram:When you think of having a long term job, one of the last things you’d think of is playing music in a night club band! Most musicians will perform with a band for a few months or years, moving from one club to the next. Setting up and tearing down their equipment nightly. Then personality conflicts arise between one or more members and before they know it, they’re looking for the next band to come along.Most musicians try for a few years, realize the futility of it all and leave music for a more stable and secure life. Then there are the exceptions. The owners of a club will like a group and let them stay long enough for the band to become part of the place. Sometimes this relationship can last for a long time. 5 years! 10 years! 15 years! Then there’s FLYER!Flyer is a band that performs at a place called Busters Beach House in Long Beach California. They are a trio. Todd Hartmann plays keyboards/lead vocals. Nancy Hartmann plays acoustic guitar/lead vocals and Jim Forney plays lead guitar/Bass and lead vocals. Flyer started performing there on June 6th 1979. Coming up on 30 YEARS! They have outlasted every show on Broadway! They’ve played 300,000 song at that location. It's not uncommon to see four 21 year olds sitting at one table next to four 70 year old people…AND EVERY AGE IN BETWEEN! They've met people from almost every country on the planet.In some cases, they are playing to the 3rd generation of customers! They’ve come to realize that the most important thing in life (after your family) is doing what you love for a living! Fame and Fortune aren’t everything! Or as George Patton said, “All glory is fleeting!â€In some ways FLYER is rich beyond belief! They’ve touched the lives thousands and thousands of people from around the world! They have introduced men to woman, sang at their weddings and now sing to their 19 year old kids! So when asked if they’ve been a success, they just smile! “You see life in a different way when you stand on the same stage so long,†say’s Todd. “All the major events, earthquakes, fires, war, riots, life and death become more clearly defined when experienced through the eyes of the audience. We always remember where we were on those occasions.â€Most people who know FLYER are brought by someone else. They come through word of mouth, which is a great complement to the band.
They play a lot of songs! Songs from the 50's 60’s 70's 80's through today. One of the widest varieties of music any place has ever seen. And they play long sets. Sometimes 3 hours straight! They use all the latest tools to make their trio sound bigger and better and they take special pride in their vocal harmony. But the true reason they’ve lasted so long is that they’re very good entertainers. They work hard at turning the Busters into a big living room. They try to help people forget the daily hassles of life, the bills, the traffic etc… believing if they can help the audience escape for a couple of hours, those people will come back over and over again!They’re obviously doing something right! As one customer said on their 15th anniverary, “I’ve had 3 wives, 4 children, 4 homes, 3 cars,2 dogs… and the only thing still consistent in my life is FLYERâ€Call Guiness…. We think a new world record is just around the corner.