If words made you certain that fire exists
don't rest at that stage of certainty - Taste fire!
The cooked, alone, know Certitude itself
You want that Certitute? Step in the fire! -Rumi
Ever wonder what an inked, bohemian, feminist, kickass, funky, dancing, vegan, meditating existentialist would look like? Look no further! You can call me g, g-thug, Xena, Ms. O, swami, or Ms. Mary Magdalene depending on the situation.
I dig existence. Love philosophy (the kind that begins in wonder, not doubt), music, meditation, vegan cooking and baking, kickboxing, love, mi familia, laughing, ink ink baby, chocolate, deep conversations, hiking, surprising people, swings, and the Satguru.
Moments of enlightenment during the thesis process:
-"To pull another out of the mud, man must step into the mud himself." -the Baal Shem Tov
-"I have but one request; may I never use my reason against truth." -Rebbe Mikhal of Zlotchev
-"The end of knowledge is that we do not know." -Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
Sat guru
Shabd dhun
Jivan mukti