Alessio (in arte Alessio!!! o meglio Alex!!) nasce a Ussana il 30 Giugno 1978 e inizia la sua "carriera" canora all'eta' di 14 anni col gruppo " DELIRIO P.M. ", band locale che eseguiva pezzi principalmente dei Queen (mia grande passione!) e Guns n' Roses, senza tralasciare le composizioni proprie. I Delirio P.M. hanno vita di circa 2 anni dopodiche' inizia a cantare con vari gruppi di breve durata fino ad arrivare ai "FOURHEADS". Con i Fourheads la musica si appesantisce un po', andando a sfiorare l'hard rock con venature decisamente metal. Anche qui vengono eseguiti pezzi propri e le cover giravano principalmente intorno ai Queen (sempre presenti!), Red Hot Chili Peppers e Metallica. I Fourheads hanno vita 3 anni e, con la fusione di questi ultimi con i WARFLUTE, arrivano i primi (e tutt'ora attuali!) "DYONEA". I Dyonea sono ancora esclusivamente una cover band, dove gli storici sono Alessio, Matteo (ex Fourheads) e Simone. La musica e' una passione e se non fosse cosi' per me, non sarei qui a parlare di lei!
Alessio (in art Alessio, or better Alex!) was born in Ussana (near Cagliari, Sardinia) on 30th June 1978 and he began his singer "career" when he was 14 with the band called "DELIRIO P.M.", a local band that proposed especially Queen (my great passion!) and guns n' roses covers, without never forget own songs. DELIRIO P.M. stayed together for 2 years and, after took part in a few bands, he entered as a singer in a band called "FOURHEADS". With FOURHEADS, music became harder, arriving to play hard rock with metal influences (like Metallica, above all)and playing Queen (always with me!) and Red hot chili peppers covers too. FOURHEADS stayed together for 3 years and, since 2004, with the fusion of two bands (FOURHEADS and WARFLUTE), was born a new (and still actual !) project called "DYONEA". DYONEA is still a cover band project and take part of it: Alex (vocal), Matteo (Drums, ex Fourheads) and Symone (Guitar) that form the historical part of the band.Music is just a passion for me and if wasn't it, I don't speak about it... Good rock to everybody...
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