Cooking for people I love. Knitting. Reading. Being outside. Camping. Hiking. Learning. Swimming. Traveling. Being with friends.
A Tanuki!
Violent Femmes... Sublime... Refused... No Doubt... Depeche Mode...The Misfits... David Bowie... Deftones... Nine Inch Nails... Jimmy Hendrix... Weezer... Tori Amos... Billy Idol... Beastie Boys... Mindless Self Indulgence... Bouncing Souls... Tabla Beat Science... Ween... System of a Down... The Cure... The Doors... Ministry... Opeth... Flogging Molly... Ani Difranco... Tool... Rage Against the Machine... Nirvana... Smashing Pumpkins... The Clash... A Perfect Circle...Bob Marley... Modest Mouse... Pink Floyd... Led Zepplin... Anti-flag... 311... Celtic... Percussion... Any live music that is good and filled with energy.
Cannibal the Musical. Chasing Amy. Donnie Darko. Finding Nemo. Land of the Dead. Monsters Inc. Muppets in Space. Requiem for a Dream. Resident Evil. Shaun of the Dead. Star Wars. Super Troopers. Trainspotting. Waking Life.
Kill Your Television! Before it kills you!
Nanananana... BATMAN!!!