Moonshine Crows CD Cakeisdone!!! My Band, the CD is available from:Available in these shops:Avalanche Records - Edinburgh
CDXpress - Newcastle-under-Tyne
Disc Discovery - Hull
Sister Ray – London
Vibes Records – BuryDownloadable MP3’s
Groupie Tunes
Napster (soon)
GreatIndie Music
Inprodicon (Norway)
CDBaby.comHard CD
CDBaby.comWho am I! Just a guy trying hard to make it to the end of the road without making too many mistakes. Very simply. My personal beliefs can seen rather oddly spaced, while I believe in live and let live and do not believe in killing convicted murderers, I do think that people who double park should be hung, and anyone who wants a BMW should go through a course of sensitivity classes for at least 6 months first. I am a strong environmentalist, but feel that if we use all the oil real quick, then the healing can commence. And it would destroy most modern civilizations. Cool....!!
I believe that not only is democracy dead, but never worked in the first place, a caring monarchy is the only proven successful form of government. People are sheep and need to be led, need proof? Just look at religion and popular music. ewwwwwwww. I say we force the mullahs and preachers to strap explosives to themselves first. And possibly send them into the dressing rooms of the spice girls and that spears idiot..Ok so many of you who read this, all 5 of you, might be thinking 'gee, this seems more like a bog-style rant than a manifesto', and I counter with, are not most blog/rants nothing but an airing of personal beliefs? But hidden in a safe way of easy denial? "Oh, no it was just a rant on my blog, I was in a pissy mood that day." Personally I say, put it out front in the sun if that is your true belief!Oh, yeah, I am also an ex-pat american who washed up on these shores 4+ years ago, with a guitar in one hand, a sword in another and a powerful thirst for a good pint...
Check out my band Moonshine Crows at our myspace page, I sing and play and dance, and write songs and stuff. Ok, no dancing but the rest I do. Check us out, we're fun.Well enough of this... I will add any new thoughts to a blog section........ ;>p align=center>
Myspace Layouts at / Guitars