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“SHAMAN” as meaning “one who knows”. Really, the shaman is a person who is an expert in keeping together the multiple codes through which this complex belief system appears, and has a comprehensive view on it in their mind with certainty of knowledge. The shaman uses (and the audience understands) multiple codes. Shamans express meanings in many ways: verbally, musically, artistically, and in dance. Meanings may be manifested in objects, such as amulets.
The shaman knows the culture of their community well, and acts accordingly. Thus, their audience knows the used symbols and meanings — that's why shamanism can be efficient: people in the audience trust it. Such belief system can appear to its members with certainty of knowledge — this explains the above described etymology for the word “shaman”.
Celtic Tree Calendar
The Celtic Tree Calendar comes from legend, lore and modern calculations. Some scholars suggest it was created by the Druids. But there is no physical evidence to that effect. If you're interested in the physical evidence of ancient calendars, you might prefer to read Lunar Calendars.
Whither from legend or modern lore, the calendar is utilized by many Celtic pagans today. It's also important to note that this calendar is not solely Celtic in nature and holds influence of the Norse in it's mythology. The Celts believed that human kind fell from the trees. But to me that sounds a good deal like concepts of Yggdrasil, the great ash tree that holds together earth, heaven, and hell by its roots and branches in Norse mythology. The initial creation, as well as the how and who created this calendar of trees is a debate for a different article and won't be answered here. You can further your own research with some of the resources listed at the bottom of this article.
So, in general, this calendar of lore goes something like this. The Celts believed that much of nature was inhabited by spirits. Especially trees and plants. Additionally they believed certain trees had a strong sense of energy surrounding them. And that these trees could have healing powers over the sick and wounded, as well as, on humans in general. The phrases we use today for “touch wood” and “knock on wood” probably originated from these early Celtic pagan beliefs. It's also an indication of how important trees and plants were to the Celts. And how certain species of plants became sacred objects.
The concepts of the Celtic Calendar are fairly simple. The year is divided equally into 13 months, one for each cycle of the moon. Each moon cycle is associated with a sacred tree, a magikal aspect and letter from the Celtic runes. The runes or the Ogham, are a secret shamanic alphabet, the origin of which is accredited to Oghma, the Celtic God of Poetry.
Designating the timing of the calendar is where it gets sticky. Beginning with each full moon, some say it's each new moon, there are an equal number of days in each month, 28 days. There's little doubt that to the early Celts, moon phases were very important and there's no clear indication as to which moon cycle is thought to be the most prominent when it's related to the calendar. Of course it makes sense that each new moon would begin each new lunar month. But some scholars suggest that the 'brightness' of the full moon would have been much more apparent to the ancients and by it's very impact of light on the Earth, it too would make sense to be the signal from Grand Mother Moon, of a new cycle or in this case, the beginning of the next month. It's also important to remember that the cycles of new moon and full moon change from month to month on the calendar system we use today. For instance in 2003 we saw a new moon before Samhain, this year we see the full moon. If Samhain is the Celtic new year, which phase is correct? Well, that's where applying the Celtic Lunar Calendar system to the Solar Calendar system we use today becomes difficult.
There is also much debate on exactly when the calendar begins, which month is first. Samhain has long been referred to as the "Celtic New Year". And many believe the calendar starts here. Others suggest it starts on the day after the God is reborn at Yule. Thus it begins on what we know as January 2nd. Some theories start the calendar on December 24th during the "Hand of Yule". The "Hand of Yule" is from December 19th to the 23rd. This theory is based on the teachings of Robert Graves, who makes the calendar system a "solar calendar" with "lunar months", thus emphasizing the balance between God and Goddess. Personally I think there's too much of a Roman and Christian influence in these particular theories. Wouldn't you start a calendar cycle and celebrate it's rebirth at the 'new year'?
It's also important to note that during the Druid age, that "extra day" we call leap year wasn't recognized. That 4 year cycle to adjust the calendar is part of the solar calendar system and came along later. Though many see this extra day as a day "out of time" and associate it as the Day of Creation. The Celts however, simply observed the moon and it's phases and adjusted their calendar time accordingly.
The following descriptions fall into that view. The calendar begins on the 1st new moon before Samhain for the Celtic New Year. It maintains the view of a lunar calendar and dismisses the Roman influences of a solar calendar system. Some additional things to keep in mind.
§ It's important to remember that the change of days begins at sunset, and not at 12 midnight as the solar calendar represents. For instance, October 28th doesn't begin at midnight, it begins at sunset on the 27th.
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The Seven Laws Of Noah The seven laws listed by the Talmud are[5]
1. Prohibition of Idolatry: - There is only one God. You shall not make for yourself an idol. 2. Prohibition of Murder: - You shall not murder. 3. Prohibition of Theft: - You shall not steal. 4. Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity: - You shall not commit adultery. 5. Prohibition of Blasphemy: - Revere God and do not blaspheme. 6. Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals: - Do not eat the flesh of an animal while it is still alive. 7. Requirement to have just Laws: - You shall set up an effective judiciary to fairly judge observance of the preceding six laws.
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The Three Paths of Truth
There are three paths leading to Truth. The first is the path of the consciousness, the second that of nature, and the third is the accumulated experience of past generations, which we receive in the shape of the great masterpieces of all ages. From time immemorial, man and humanity have followed all three paths.

The first path to Truth, the path of the consciousness, is that followed by the great mystics. They consider that the consciousness is the most immediate reality for us and is the key to the universe. it is something which is in us, which is us. And throughout the ages the mystics have made the discovery that the laws of human consciousness contain an aspect not found in the laws governing the material universe.

The second of the three paths is the path of nature. While the first path of the consciousness starts from within and penetrates thence into the totality of things, the second path takes the opposite way. Its starting point is the external world. it is the path of the scientist, and has been followed in all ages through experience and through experiment, through the use of inductive and deductive methods.

The third path to Truth, is the wisdom, knowledge and experience acquired by the great thinkers of all ages and transmitted to us in the form of great teachings, the great sacred books or scriptures, and the great masterpieces of universal literature which together form what today we would call universal culture.
In brief, therefore, our approach to Truth is a threefold one: through consciousness, nature and culture.

Let No One Appropriate To Himself Superior Over Others
I did not come "to be ministered unto, but to minister" (cf. Mt 20:28), says the Lord. · Let those, who are set up over others, glory as much because of that office of superior, as if they had been appointed to the office of washing the feet of the brothers. And in as much as they are more disturbed because of having lost their office of superior than because of (having lost) the office regarding feet, so much more do they assemble purses for themselves to the danger of their souls (cf. John 12:6).

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On The Virtue Of Fleeing Vice
Where there is charity and wisdom, there (is) neither fear nor ignorance. · Where there is patience and humility, there (is) neither wrath nor disturbance. · Where there is poverty with gladness, there(is) neither cupidity nor avarice. · Where there is quiet and meditation, there (is) neither solicitousness nor wandering about. · Where there is fear of the Lord to guard the entrance hall (cf. Lk 11:21), there the enemy can have no place to enter. · Where there is mercy and discretion, there (is) neither superfluity nor hardness.

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The Southern California Wildfires WHY???

....Eucalyptus (From Greek, µÅº¬»ÅÀÄ¿Â meaning "well covered") is a diverse genus of trees (and a few shrubs), the members of which dominate the tree flora of Australia. There are more than seven hund...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 06:03:00 GMT

The Five Mindfulness Trainings

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Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 03:15:00 GMT

Christian War on India and Africa

This is a video dedicated to the Hindu People. My heart cries for these people and so should yours.Always Loving On All LevelsEmpress Bootsie
Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 17:42:00 GMT

The Global Gag Rule: The Bush Administration

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Posted by on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 04:23:00 GMT

U.S./ Foreign Troops Gearing Up for Martial Law In America

This is becoming a scary time for us. And we all need to know as much as possible about how this is all going to end. I found this video during my search for new information. I am in awe at the way th...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:55:00 GMT

It Has All Been A Sham

Now if you have watched this short clip and made it through to this part of the blog, then you must be a chosen one. One who always seeks the truth one who always wants justice to prevail an...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:32:00 GMT

The Whitewashed Whoring of Christianity

Theology Tethers:  The Whitewashed Whoring of Christianity Ethiopia is mentioned in Genesis--Look for Europe in the Bible!  The birthplace of Abraham was Ur (Cushite/Ethiopian--the Land of ...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 15:08:00 GMT

Introducing the Early Shakers

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Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 13:16:00 GMT

"40 Acres and a Mule" - 1865

Historical Documents IN THE FIELD, SAVANNAH, GA., SPECIAL FIELD ORDERS, No. 15. January 16th, 1865.   Abandoned plantations and the promise of freedom draw former slaves to plant crops and crea...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 09:11:00 GMT


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Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 06:21:00 GMT