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About Me

Text Here~Im traveling in some vehicle Im sitting in some cafe A defector from the petty wars That shell shock love away Theres comfort in melancholy When theres no need to explain Its just as natural as the weather In this moody sky today In our possessive coupling So much could not be expressed So now Im returning to myself These things that you and I suppressed I see something of myself in everyone Just at this moment of the world As snow gathers like bolts of lace Waltzing on a ballroom girlYou know it never has been easy Whether you do or you do not resign Whether you travel the breadth of extremities Or stick to some straighter line Now heres a man and a woman sitting on a rock Theyre either going to thaw out or freeze Listen... Strains of benny goodman Coming thru the snow and the pinewood trees Im porous with travel fever But you know Im so glad to be on my own Still somehow the slightest touch of a stranger Can set up trembling in my bones I know - no ones going to show me everything We all come and go unknown Each so deep and superficial Between the forceps and the stoneWell I looked at the granite markers Those tribute to finality - to eternity And then I looked at myself here Chicken scratching for my immortality In the church they light the candles And the wax rolls down like tears Theres the hope and the hopelessness Ive witnessed thirty years Were only particles of change I know, I know Orbiting around the sun But how can I have that point of view When Im always bound and tied to someone White flags of winter chimneys Waving truce against the moon In the mirrors of a modern bank from the window of a hotel roomIm traveling in some vehicle Im sitting in some cafe A defector from the petty wars Until love sucks me back that way (la la la...) Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Lovers card. The Lovers card is about union. Each of us carries in our DNA the ability to be the opposite of what we think we are. Often our romantic attachments grow out of awe and respect as we see in another the characteristics we repress in ourselves. Society often presses us into molds of what it thinks masculinity and femininity should be. As a result, many of us associate with our gender certain positive characteristics and call others negative, when if these same qualities were held by a person of the opposite sex, our attitude towards them would be reversed. Getting in touch with our inner animus and anima, (Jung's terms for our inner male and female), allows us to see the whole of our personalities in a positive and constructive light. When you draw The Lovers card in a reading, you are working with balancing these forces. Depending on where the card is, you have either achieved balance or need to. The Lovers could indicate a romantic or even a platonic relationship. Ask yourself is this is a positive relationship that contributes to your growth as a complete human being, or if it fills an emotional craving within you that is actually detrimental to your personal growth. Image from: The Iranian artist Riza. em=50.164
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You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?

Virgo Sign Information" Material can be changed into something more valuable through proper application of knowledge, skill, labor and equipment *__________________________________________________* .... I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Ohhhh where to start!? I have an endless process of interest and love for life, which is as self peretuating as the water cycle. .. Growing new things is fun. Did I say things? MAybe I meant wings. Dunno. Improving myself and trying to be a beneficial prescence for others I meet along the way is a priority and an interest. I am interested in exploring and defining the aesthetics of beauty first and foremost, and translating exquisite, complex archetypes of *gloaming into the mundane of the day to day. Being the marriage of glamour and hippie feels right. The union of techno and acoustic, the orgasm of society and wilderness... Im all about reconciling polarities, facilitating communication between diametrically opposed charges. (interested in, but self admittedly not a master of), money management-stocks, business in general, real estate, all that kvetch. Refinement, you know, taking negatives and returning them to positive life affirming outcomes through simple, strong reiki kung-fu style .. .... thats called...* ....ahem, Dancing Snow Fox, White Lotus Lead to Gold...Yo! .... Concentrating, cultivating and amplifying my buying power. Meditating on gifts and where to put them too their best use. The 8,9,10 of Pentacles Tarot Cards. Honing skills. Keeping a cool head amidst chaos and adversity. River stones. Ancient giant conifers. Moths and Butterflys. Shores. Mountaintops covered with pine trees Surrounded by desert... .... Rain/Water. Heat/Fire. Finding the palace where they meet and work together. Finding the sacrosanct in nature and harmonizing with it-Hiking and enjoying the great outdoors- maintaining an "Identity" in nature.BEING efficient and effective. Im so down for Learning and accquiring knowledge that enables me to do so. I am keenly interested in metaphysics, anomalies and things that have yet to be understood by science. ....Theology, Kabballah, Yoga, Shiva(and the whole of Cosmology in general), Tibet & India, Greek antiquity and myth. Celtic and Norse Rrroots. Art. Craft. Seasonal Celebration. (Of the passage of time and the shapes the earth makes.) Philosophy, Utilitarian, liberty, equality, utopia- Psychology, JUNG- Sociology, Anthropological mode of inquisition. Scandanavian accents, the lilt, it just makes my ears all sexy feeling-using space super good because of limits and parameters, as displayed by 1) Japanese 2) Thai farmers and polynesian sea-faring fishing villages. Creating things... Cooking organic foods in an ever improving fashion. Being a covert food ninja. Healing with unadultered, fancy gourmet foods.Domestic inhabitation should be tops on my list, but its way down here, by weaving.Thats cause home/house is a cocoon as far as Im concerned, or a hive, and I love the notion of abiding and sharing with others my smart small healing earth space(ship). Listening to Incense. Ikebana. Tea Ceremony. Making things comfortable and hospitable and pleasing to the senses- Weaving & Textiles including but not limited to knits, plant fibers, clothing... Writing, poetry, reading, communicating. Gardening/Horticulture PLANTS Cultivation. And, (jaws theme)FASHION!!-!-! My top five favorites are: John Varvatos, Michael Kors, Marc Jacobs, Bottega Veneta, and Neil Barret. I also enjoy Versace, Dior, Gucci, Armani, Dolce & Gabanna,ahhhhh. Labels are nothing creativity is everything and the art of atmosphere+aesthetics is my joy!

I'd like to meet:

You! If fate brought you here, then lets be friends:)People I can harmonize with involved in the Holistic Paradigm. Memebers of the global community. Poets and freinds with great stories to tell. Lovers of the outdoors and nature. Survivors. White majick sorcerers and preistesses. Beneficient nature spirits. Did I leave anyone out?Healthy Homos who keep their life and style together- And oh, my heroes and those that I admire. And happy freinds with ways to make life more fun. Intellectuals, but not the stuffy, cocky, holier then thou type. Beautiful souls who are cool with diversity and growth motivated...And I do LOVE to go, champagne drinking hootin and hollerin whirl around just because we can type stuff


SIGNATUNE (Dj Mehdi / T. Bangalter edit)
Uploaded by BECAUSE_MUSIC Je t'aime la musique! All of it. Its rare that I come across some music that I dont, at least in some small way appreciate. Bjorks my favorite, and the Cardigans are close in there. But seriously, Im pretty much down for whatever. I guess I dont really like Trance and Shitty Techno, and Im not ever like, oh yeah! Poison! I love those guys.


Myspace Tracker That Shows Names ....Im in the same boat with film as I am Music. I like alot. So heres what I really dig. Cameron Diaz and everything shes ever done but I think especially Being John Malcovich, Vanilla Sky, The Sweetest Thing, and Feeling Minnesota . The Color Purple. The King of Hearts. City of the Lost Children. Kurosawas Dreams. Last Life in the Universe. Chocolat. The Fountain. Celebrity. Now & Then. Reality Bites.


Use it dont abuse it baby. I love me some Travel Channel, HGTV and MTV. I need to give props to Joan Cusack, her latest show Local Flavor is amazing. And she is amazing. I hate Fox News and American Idol. Everything else, its fun to watch the pretty shapes and stories as my good freind Eva once stated.


The Temple of my familiar by alice walker...everything by her!-Foucaults pendulum by Umberto Eco-Island of the Blue Dolphins-The Vedas and excerpts from the vedas-Lord of the Flies-A place Between the Stars by Deborah Santana-I know Why the Caged Bird Sings- Demian by Herman Hesse-Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman-The Tanakh- The Dhammapada- Love in the time of Cholera- A Midsummer Nights Dream-


Ancestors. Everything that was and is and is to come:) and then theres people who really tell stories that I can relate to and learn from. Their my favorite artists who swath my otherwise arguably drab world into a place where dreams are possible. So I like Bjork and Cameron Diaz and Keanu Reeves and Nina Person whose the Cardigans puppet master(at least lyrically). Alice Walker, save the best for last. This woman is an ancestor who I thank for keeping it real, no stops, in this epoch of fucking american ignorance/ illusion. She is an extreme example of the minds right to grow, its ability to comprehend and eventually arrive at compassion for "THE ALL THAT IS." I guess my heroes are people who live to grow, who explore the boundaries of reality within healthy channels and go further to reach out and help others. Those are my heroes. I like Martin Luther King and Gahndi alot. I really appreciate what Gahndiji was doing. Im also a big fan of the Creator et all.

My Blog

off into the green

I have been giddy as Gwen Stefani in her Sweet Escape video to go and spend some time in nature~leaving soon to do that...To find myself surrounded by leafy green goodness is allways a pleasure of min...
Posted by basil on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 06:28:00 PST


Yesterday was a bad day! Ooopps. It happens. I was going on another night of 5 hour sleeps and had a ferocious day after which generally contributes to feeling like crap and posting a note on the inte...
Posted by basil on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 09:31:00 PST

lets not and say we did(bad day today)

If there is an inherent lack of love it cannot be grown or implied, it is something that comes naturally and is given freely without restraint. I am to deep in a situation where it seems I am consta...
Posted by basil on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:59:00 PST

im a lover not a fighter

I have been doing copious amounts of dancing and enjoying the Full Moonlight lately... this type of celebration, on full throttle feels fine when the Moons full. There is an intensity that feels close...
Posted by basil on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 05:04:00 PST

how indirectly honest can life be?

There is much on my mind. I intentionally refrained from posting after my prior blog, because I wanted it to have some time to be seen. Today, the Santa Ana winds are blowing so strong that Phoenix ...
Posted by basil on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 02:38:00 PST

this is very important! not one for conspiracy theories but just in case, be informed!!!

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about an upcoming military drill that is occuring between Oct15-20. Northcom, a branch of Homeland Security, will be spearheading a emergency response drill t...
Posted by basil on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 12:58:00 PST

double helix star vision

I looked up at the sky tonite after a spectacular conversation and spotted a star alignment that resmbled a huge double helix, it was so beautiful! No batteries, so no picture, but thats ok. Words are...
Posted by basil on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:54:00 PST

original (a.d.d)

Living the authentic life? Why does it count to live authentically. What is power? to be the President of a nation or a peaceful gardener who grows fruits and vegetables to share with ones neighbor(s)...
Posted by basil on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 11:36:00 PST

at the behest of wise advice

I met a wise woman through work who passes nuggets of enlightenment around with ease and grace. I dont think she would mind me mentioning, her name is Marie Anderson and she is an image consultant and...
Posted by basil on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:34:00 PST

went wrong going right. Interests of the day

As the time passes life feels more like a trek, less like a mystery, more pragmatic and a symphony of events, not so much a chaotic barrage of stimulus. Which is good, as confusion & wandering and all...
Posted by basil on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 11:12:00 PST