Cake in the Kitchen profile picture

Cake in the Kitchen

About Me

When I grow up I want to whistle like Andrew Bird can. has the coolest Layouts for Myspace

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Prince........the artist. Okay and River Phoenix, Jesus, maybe Joan of Arc but I'm sort of still out on that one. I guess if I bumped into her I'd say hi. The first known feminist to get killed was a French woman. She helped draft the Women's Declaration of Independence during the French Revolution...her name was Maria...I'd like to meet her. Oh Che, for sure. Mother Jones, Joe Hill, Clara Lemlich (mind my spelling), Emma Goldman, Howard Zinn, Malcolm X, Abbie Hoffman, Cornell West, Subcommandante Marcos and Commandante Romona, obviously.

My Blog

My Thoughts About Faith Hill

I'm here for redemption. It's true I'm one of those people that had written Faith Hill off as a --- girl next door, hand sanitizing, manufactured country princess, all american cliche type---I'm not h...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 21:46:00 GMT