Hi my naem is Thundereagle. Can I tell you a little about my life. I have powers a lot of powers. Some of my powers are real cool and some are gay. The gay one is i can fly like Superman. IT's good for him that's ok butt for me no!. The cool powers are that i can shoot Beams out of my eyes and it kill's things. So this is how i got my powers. I was geting off the bus. Yes at that time i did not have a Car. Back to what i was saying when i got off the bus a little green eagle looking rock toss me it to a wall. When i got back up I was not the same i had powers. Yes powers. I could shoot beams out of my eyes and toss little cars. The things i could do wear so cool! But i got sleep when i did them. So i got home. I got in the door way. My Dad said your older bother was shot. You see my bother was a Cop a real good cop. He was 10 years older then me. he was 30 i was 20. I loved my family. I said to my dad tell me how did hapn. And he said it was the Bossman family. He said he down town at the Old ACID plant. all the cops are out side the plant. Then I said Why have not goin in. And he said the BOSSMAN family are Shoting Thompson submachine at the cops. and AK-47 to. On the news they said there are about 45 men in side the ACID plant. So I Went to the ACID plant the cop would not get out of my way so i toss some of them up in the Air. Then I EYE- BEAM a wall it went boom. so i went WALK in. All 45 of the Bossman family guys runed at me with there guns shoting. I KICK THE HELL OUT OF THEM. Yes i was shot they hit me about 1000 times there was a lot of blood. Then there BOSS Said to me. Good good some one like me this is going to be fun killing you. Then I said you killed a cop. And he said So what I kill a lot of people. and the he kick me it thew me out side i hit a tree and it fall down. I got up and I EYE BEAM HIM. He took it. HE said that's all you have. so i tossd the tree at him he took that to. so runed back in and we went at it. He beat me up. He donk me out. when i came to he was on a cat walk to i got up there. He pulled out a 7 foot shot gun and shot me. I Went flying back about 30 feet. i got up and he kick me down. I was on my Back looking up at this 10 FOOT MAN. He was looking down at me with his big red eyes. I had to get back on my feet but all the blood was going from my body it was not a good thing to see. So what could I DO. HE came to me he was on top of me. So I kick him in the BALLS. He had the funny's look on his Face. He fall back on his ass. And I GOT UP ON MY FEET. And kick this fat Face in to his hard fat head. He look dead but no he gave me a uper cut i went up in the air and came down. He took me my the neck was hording me up and he look a tank of ACID. The tank was real big and the was ACID falling down in to it. so he put my Face in to the falling ACID. That did make be feel good my Face fall of. as he was doing that i got a good kick on him pick him up and gave him a Death Valley driver IN TO THE TANK. As he fall in I fall back on my back. When i came to I was in emergency room. The Dr. said your Faceis goin. there's not a lot we and do for you. I could not say a thing. I was in bed for 2 years.The power the i got help me live.And i have a star ship. i work on it for years.
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