Hybrid Legend Animation was established by Ty King in 2006.::HYBRID LEGEND ANIMATION::
Ty always wanted to write a kickass war story about an army of man against an army of man's creation. In 1999, following his eighth grade graduation, he had that chance. That summer he set in motion, plans to execute the perfect Live-Action Feature Film. Later that summer, as his imagination soared to new heights, he no longer wanted to make it a Live-Action Movie. He decided that he wanted to do the project entirely in 3D. So, he pitched his idea to several Production Companies, all of which turned him down, because as an unknown filmmaker, the funding of a project of this caliber was just too heavy. What those studios failed to realize was that the task of making this movie entirely in CGI was going to be done by him alone. Then it hit him like a Mack truck, following New Year, 2000, he couldn't make this movie alone. So he shelved the project in 2002, and joined HeadStrong Animation as Director and Lead Animator. As a valuable member of an Elite Team of Animators, Ty created cutting-edge computer animation to be used in such projects as "Warcraft II: Reign of Chaos" in 2002 and "Starcraft: Ghost" in 2005. He also donated his talent to Square U.S.A. to create characters and environments to be used in "The Animatrix: Final Flight if the Osiris."As the years past, the passion and desire to bring back the origin of his story finally surfaced after leaving HeadStrong Animation in 2006.Ty King became well-known as the Hybrid Legend.He has spent many years studying the world of 3D, establishing a solid ground to walk on through the evolving realm of computer generated imagery (CGI).With no education and no degree in any aspect of the industry, he has aquired the gift merely by seeing, believing, and following.He has awed audiences around the world with his passion for visual storytelling and his amazing ability to take from reality, and manipulate that which is real, and mimic it entirely in 3D.Ty took the name, given to him by his followers, and formed Hybrid Legend Animation in 2006.Ty King would lead the team at Hybrid Legend Animation to bring his vision to life.When he was reuinited with his story, he had an amazing idea to take a part of Ancient Mythology, bring it to the Present, and give it a Future. Science meets mythology as Hybrid Legend Animation recreates Ancient Mythology in the 21st Century.
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