August, 15th, 2003 (The Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother into Heaven...Body & Soul): That night, my life was completely changed, and I also believe that my prayers were finally answered. At that moment, my Blessed Mother shielded me from the cluthes of the Devil, embraced me in her loving arms, covered me with her Mantle of Love & Protection, and lead me to that intimate encounter with her Son. I'm pretty quiet and reserved, but made to love and to be loved. Early on in my life, I've journeyed through it seeking to fill those empty voids in my soul, only to find myself dead & stranded on the crossroads of indescribable emptiness & desperate longings to be Loved. But it was through that seeking, that I found that my purpose in this life is to know, Love, and serve Christ in this life, so that I can share eternal happiness with Him in the next life. He is the source of True Love that now resonates in my inmost being, and because my soul was touched with His infinite Love, it lead me to the realization that true fulfillment & peace of mind can only be achieved by embracing His divine love. I came to know that it is only through this embrace, that I can truly & essentially be transformed into the person that I was destined & called to be. It was through His mercy that I am now a convicted Catholic who has found the truth in His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. But amidst all the inconceivable graces that I have received, I am still nothing more than an imperfect sinner striving for the sanctity where my soul ever thirsts to be more completely one with my Lord. Everyday is a new beginning, and I seek to persevere in always being aware that I have to own up to the standards of the one who will judge me in the end. I'm a child of God, that also has to constantly unmask the reality that I'm also a soldier here on earth, who is constantly fighting a spiritual battle that will ensue until I'm called. I'm a part of the body of Christ, part of the Militant Church of skinned & bloody kneed believers here on earth...constantly falling on their knees, but getting back up again. I'm unworthy, but not worthless. I'm a human who constantly falls and gets back up again, a human with swaying emotions and a wounded will, and a helpless child who needs to be comforted by something more than what is given here on this temporary & passing world. I'm blind, nothing, and meaningless without Christ's grace, truth, and light to constantly illuminate my own being into his marvelous presence. My life is as fragile as a leaf, but as precious as gold, but I live life with a limited and finite knowledge of my own existence, never really satisfied, because My heart will never be at rest, until it rests in the heart of my one true Love: Jesus Christ. In unison with His Most Sacred Heart & His Mother's Immaculate Heart, may the song of my weak & dying heart beat through Him, with Him, and in Him, as a beautiful and constant musical tempo here on earth, that resounds, ascends, and resurrects my lifeless soul to become an unending echo of adoration and praise into eternity. To my brothers and sisters, remember this always:"Christ is not valued at all unless He is valued above all." (Saint Augustine).
Kyrie Eleison, Mater Misericordiae, Ora Pro Nobis! St. Michael the Archangel, Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil!
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