Taken from www.babysue.com -Young and Sexy - The Arc (CD, Mint, Progressive pop)
Canada's Young and Sexy is a different sort of band with a different sort of sound. Not only do they sound unlike American bands on the horizon...but they also don't have very much in common with other Canadian bands that we have heard over the past few years. Ten years into their career the band releases their fourth full-length album...and it is a direct hit. Not a hit in terms of commercial appeal and potential to sell...but a hit in terms of artistic success. The Arc is a beautiful and unique album that spotlights this group's multifaceted approach to music. Don't be surprised if you don't "get it" when you first spin this CD. This music takes some time to settle in your subsconciousness and make an impression. Our initial response to The Arc was positive...but ten spins later we realized that we loved it. The band consists of Paul Pittman (vocals, guitar), Lucy Brain (vocals), Andre Legace (guitar), Alex Brain (drums), and Brent McDonald (bass). These folks write songs that seamlessly combine twenty-first century pop with ideas and sounds from progressive and psychedelic bands from the 1970s. Imagine a world where subtle psychedelia meets smart progressive pop...and you may begin to have some idea of where these folks are coming from. This album is an absolute delight from start to finish. Cool unpredictable tracks include "Saucerful of Fire," "Young & Sexy vs. The Arc" (a particularly intriguing cut), "The Shadow," and "Up in the Rafters." Recommended. (Rating: 5++)www.babysue.com
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