So now that I moved new things intrest me... Like making and saving money... I stoped spending so much on clothes and my car and I can feel it. OH WELL, time to study hard, WORK HARD, PARTY HARDER!!!!
People who are open minded... who know how to party and have fun, but get serious when the time is right... I LOVE people who make me laugh... In fact I believe that humor is the sexiest quality a man can have second to knowing how to DANCE!!!... I love to talk to people from all walks of life because they give me a new perspective and out look on life...
GWEN STEFANI... ALEX SYNTEX Julietta Venegas Cafe Tacuba Los ENANOS grEEn HUGE LOS HOMBRES G FAN DJ Irene Michael Jackson Duran Duran HUGE BLOOD HOUND GANG FAN... if you don't know who they are who are YOU??? Dead Milk MEN MANA NAS KRS1 beastie boys I 3 U2 Vicente FErnandez Los Kinos (HA Rudy's Dadd) los caminantes BAch Mozarti have a broad range of music intrest!!!! I love MUsic 'cept FOR COUNTRY
THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW.... THE Grudge THe Notebook and anything funny or scary WAITING Dave Chapelle's Block PARTY
Wacky Waving Incrediable Arm Flailing TUbe Man... "KILL ROSIO'S GAME... Stewie Gilligan Griffith is mah fav!
Alex and I made this... I miss her sooo much she played a lager role in my life then she'll ever know... I MISS YOU KARI...