♥ Athena ♥ profile picture

♥ Athena ♥


About Me

I am a proud Sister of SIGMA THETA PSI, INC. Theta CHAPTER... From a long line of Founding Sisters in the Sophisticated Lady Family line (the BEST line EVER) I go to SAC STATE and am studying Business with a concentration in Finance and a minor in Economics... I am fun and outgoing amd am looking forward to another great semester with my sisters... SEE YA AROUND!!!!

Cute Hot Layouts From WHATEVERLIFE.COM!

My Interests

So now that I moved new things intrest me... Like making and saving money... I stoped spending so much on clothes and my car and I can feel it. OH WELL, time to study hard, WORK HARD, PARTY HARDER!!!!

I'd like to meet:

People who are open minded... who know how to party and have fun, but get serious when the time is right... I LOVE people who make me laugh... In fact I believe that humor is the sexiest quality a man can have second to knowing how to DANCE!!!... I love to talk to people from all walks of life because they give me a new perspective and out look on life...


GWEN STEFANI... ALEX SYNTEX Julietta Venegas Cafe Tacuba Los ENANOS grEEn HUGE LOS HOMBRES G FAN DJ Irene Michael Jackson Duran Duran HUGE BLOOD HOUND GANG FAN... if you don't know who they are who are YOU??? Dead Milk MEN MANA NAS KRS1 beastie boys I 3 U2 Vicente FErnandez Los Kinos (HA Rudy's Dadd) los caminantes BAch Mozarti have a broad range of music intrest!!!! I love MUsic 'cept FOR COUNTRY


THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW.... THE Grudge THe Notebook and anything funny or scary WAITING Dave Chapelle's Block PARTY


Wacky Waving Incrediable Arm Flailing TUbe Man... "KILL ROSIO'S GAME... Stewie Gilligan Griffith is mah fav!




Alex and I made this... I miss her sooo much she played a lager role in my life then she'll ever know... I MISS YOU KARI...

My Blog


Okay, so I've been having rough times as people that are close to me know... I really don't like to talk about what happened on Monday cause then I relive it all so DON'T ASK ME!!! If you don't know t...
Posted by ♥ Athena ♥ on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 10:56:00 PST


DEAR LORD, Can you send someone to tell me why my mom is so obsessed with me getting married or having a relationship... I've been home for like a day and all I hear is so "what's up with that guy or ...
Posted by ♥ Athena ♥ on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 03:15:00 PST

This WeeKend!!!!

Crazy how I never really knew how much I was missing out on till this weekend. I have been so busy in Sac and with Baldo that I never really understood why my family missed me so much. This weekend it...
Posted by ♥ Athena ♥ on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 12:42:00 PST


DAMN!!! So what can I say about where I am right now... SHiT all is Gee Double Oh Dee GOOD!!!I am finally realising all the traveling I wanted to do and doing everything I always wanted too... I just ...
Posted by ♥ Athena ♥ on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 07:05:00 PST

my first Glob, I mean

so yeah... what to say, I been having a shitty week... my weekend was weak... 'cept for SUNDAY... that was a blast, I was surrounded by a lot of people who love me, who I really dont' know what I wou...
Posted by ♥ Athena ♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST