Well what can i say i have moved around all my life never really lived in the same part of the country for longer than two years at a time currently living with relatives working in a family run business i left college when i was 19 i've been a professional chef for 7 years now! And i've worked for many hotel chains for example DE VERE Hotels, Thistle Hotels, Hilton hotel chain and Ramada Jarvis. I've worked under many head chefs some of them complete arseholes but that just a way of life though I suppose! I left college when i was 19 with my CITY OF GUILDS LEVELS 1,2,3 then i decided to really make a go of it so i did but I made many mistakes yea I know we all make mistakes but i've got a real passion for food so I ain't gonna give up there was one time when i was working i won't say were but it was a signature dish and it was a beautiful terrine with poached leeks and these Dublin Bay Pawns proper expensive like. It looked like the most intricate mosaic and it tasted absolutely fucken amazing. In those days it cost £100 to make the head chef at time put it on the menu at around £20 quid a slice. As i was the most senior chef at the time (may i just add that it was my first senior posion) it was my job to put it together. shit here we go, on one occasion i had asked my commis chef if you like to cook the prawns - to blanch them for 30 seconds the most simplest of jobs might I add, then peel them while warm and poach for a further three to four minutes in court bouillon, I assumed he'd cooked them to perfection. I spent the entire night making the terrine. The next day we came to slice it, i couldn't believe what I saw. There they were: four large raw prawns running through each slice. My commis chef had only blanched them for 30 seconds and had failed to poach them. The head chef that i was working for at the time liked to get things off his chest straight away so I knew I was in trouble big fucken time!!! He docked my wages and he didn't give up his verbal rant until he'd drummed it into my head what a complete and utter balls-up I'd made! This is the only type of mistake that i'd wanna make once, but it taught me that you can't work at the top of your profession unless you can take a good bollocking. THE STRONGER THE BOLLOCKING, THE QUICKER YOU LEARN!!! That's a bit about me in my profession as a chef, I also have a passion for hard dance music mostly Techno there are lots of generes of this music hard funky tribal acid i love it, to get down on the dance and basically dance my fucken ass off on the dancefloor to this music so i love the raves that they hold in the south of England in Cardiff Plymouth Devon and that area really! I would one day like produce this style of music get my own studio.
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Getaway in Stockholm 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y27s04FkyTc
Stockholm Getaway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzjAepptbQI
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