Download all your myspace friends onto your desktop!
Comment laser is a unique program that downloads all your myspace friends information such as Name, No of friends, Age, Sex, Location, Intrests, Zodiac sign, Music etc automatically onto your desktop. To do this manually on an account with say 500 friends would take weeks! Comment laser will do this in about 10 minutes!
Comment laser as the name suggests has a built in myspace commenter! But not just any commenter, This one lets you sort your friends by say location or any other demographic and target exactly the friends that will be intrested in the comment your sending! It also lets you send messages in exactly the same way. Other commenters such as FriendBlaster that use the scatergun approach look archaic by comparison!
Multiple myspace account login – not tied to just one account
Downloads all your myspace friend information automatically
Export Friend info to Excel, Access or text file
Send targetted myspace comments or messages
Personalise your comments or messages by 'tagging' them
Free trial version – try before you buy!
Auto updating – still keeps working if myspace change their codes