Lover of yummyful food!
Angie is my government name.
i'm 20, December 7 is the special day... So where my cake at?
i'm hyper, lazy, unique, random, tubby, simpleYETcomplicating
if anything can make me smile, it would be ♥
i'm in my 3nd year in Cal State LB...
My major isnt something what everyone likes; back to MATH
When i grow up, i want to be a mad scientist
i want to experiment, & go down in history.
Or just play with numbers all day....
I wish i could minor in NINJA i think i'd be passionate!
Hope is where i get from my cousins.. They believe that i can do things
Cotton candy tickles my tummy~
i TRY to be optimistic
My favorite colors: bby blue / pastel green / purple
Money is something i really like adore!! But that doesnt mean im a gold digger.
&&& dont trip, i make my own money.. dont need yours
I like the LA lakers!! [: && my boyfriend LOVES THEM
I rock to my own beats, rhythms, and vibes.
When i drive, I tend to tilt my head while I turn my steering wheel as I drive~
My opinion matters~ That explains why I TALK 0h SO LOUD & ask MANY QUESTIONS
The whole "give & take" thing, i like that idea..
i live for memories, i learned not to regret & that everything happens for a reason
& if you don't like me it's okay.
i just find it funny that your on my page.
Random is what i do..
I'd like to meet your mom and have a nice convo over a cup of tea [:
I like green tea.
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