Member Since: 15/11/2007
Band Members:
jean claude Die WURST-BRUCKE ,
La clinique du DR TRAN ,
.. Tawil, Jack.A.Khan ,
dj Paté de Miettes,
MC Gratin Défiltoi,
dj Pschiiit,
dj Ein volk,ein volk,ein situationnisme®©
trade mark,
El virus
MySpace Music Playlist at
++ +++++++++ Die wurst brucke in berlin: headfucking ++++++++++
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That Your Child May Be Doing Art:
Does your child seem distracted and unable to concentrate on normal activities for his or her age group - like television, video games or outrageously overpriced clothes?
Does your child seem overly impressed by nature? Does he or she stare at sunsets or other features of the landscape?
Does your child hang out with known artists, visit museums, or express an interest in taking art classes?
Does your child read or quote - or even write - poetry?
Do you find paraphernalia, such as guitar picks or paintbrushes, in your child's room or pockets?
Has your child recently asked you to repaint his or her room?
Does your child wear black?
It may be just a phase your child is going through. Remember, most children who show an interest in Art outgrow it.
Our K-12 educational system certainly deserves kudos for doing all it can to discourage the would-be young artist.
But you also must demonstrate tough love.
Make it clear that artistic activities will not be tolerated in your home.
Warn your child of the very real dangers of pursuing an artistic lifestyle.
And if the condition persists, get professional help
*"Important signs of drug use in children:
. . . Excessive preoccupation with social causes,
race relations, environmental issues, etc.". . ...
from How Parents Can Help Children Live Drug Free,
" published in 1997 by Gerald Smith, director or the criminology program at the University of Utah and others -
This is how it begins:
with an innocent-looking box of crayons.
If the user continues down this road,
in time she or he will pay a dollar or more per crayon.
..A box of crayons is not an appropriate gift.
Talk to your family and discourage them from giving your child art materials of any kind.
If he or she gets some from a thoughtless acquaintance,
wait a few days and take them away when the child is not playing with them.
If the child mentions the missing items,
give him or her a toy gun or a Barbie with really big boobs instead.
Now this is more like it!
This KB toy, Forward Command Post" will prepare your child for the New World Order,
in which America can invade any country anywhere in order to root out "Evildoers"
in a faith-based crusade agianst - er - WMDs - or maybe it's terrorism.
Or really really Bad Guys.
No matter - we're gonna do it anyway.
This toy (no I didn't invent it, boys and girls) obviously represents a private home,
appropriated by a real American Action Hero
- who represents Our Troops (whom we support, of course, no matter WHAT.)
Note the bullet-ridden walls,
the children's toys,
the feminine touch.
We can only assume the Woman of the House is tied up in the basement.
Unless of course, she and the kids ended up as "Collateral Damage.
" No blood spattered on the walls,
but then, dolls don't bleed. (Not like civilians.)
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ DR TRAN clinic make a Darvich sound system in a Persian mood
Las mierdecitas de autores pretendidamente a l'avanguardia de la creacion artisticas
no son mas que pildoras blandas que no producen, ni permiten
una critica del mundo, tal estan nadando en la compromision,
la licuefaccion,
o simplemente porque trabajan para la desinformation absoluta
al provecho de los kapos (serviles?)
de las internationnnnnnnal (school of) marketing
(Ellos solo quieren vuestro temor y el dinero para afianzarle un momento)...
Todas estas (post) obras de arte
solo hacen que acelerar el proceso de podredumbre interno
de las estructuras de las sociedades modernas.
A que servir participar en el proceso de masturbacion intelectual
aceptado por los "happy few" de los centros de arte?
De que servir seguir la senda de estos gilipuertas
de encefalograma mas plano que una ostra?
Nosotros defecamos sobre estos batallones de artistas que,
con la nuca plana y el lomo plagado de conderaciones oficiales
acumuladas tras anos de colaboracion servil con el poder,
pretenden encender las masas de sus luces artisticas.
El cornudismo hipocrita debe cesar.
No hay ningun despertar artistico,
no hay ningun despertar de nada todavia,
el mundo artistico duerme profundamente en la jalea real del consenso
sinonimo de venta al mayor.
No se trata por nuestra parte de aportar un remedio a esta situacion,
muy al contrario.
Esperamos verse propagar la enfermedad hasta el fin.
Nosotros parasitaremos toda nueva forma de expresion artistica,
multiplicando sus "obras" exponencialmente
dejandolas sin valor como la sociedad que le ha engendrado.
Nos volveremos contra sus autores,
contra los vomitivos balbuceos que emiten,
esperando hasta nunca en el fango artisticas que representan.
El arte no debe ser mas que pasion, revuelta y rugido,
y hundir en sus ultimos parapetos el servilismo sensual
e intelectual
de un pueblo que se le castra getilmente cada dia un poco mas,
con el fin de no oir mas que una voz y de no mas que una cabeza.
El temblor de tierra artistica debe renacer en cada uno
y volver a dar,
a vuestro pobre molusco los sentidos que se os han anestesiado!
§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
wurst is war,
children are dangerous!
Sounds Like:
Record Label: une bonne grosse tartine de merde