Hello, my name is James Carnes. You may know me from school, college, or just the interworld. I am part minister, computer geek, and hopeless romantic all wrapped up into one. My goal in life is to make a difference in people's lives--to give love and hope to those in need, all over the Globe. I have been to the Philippines, Mexico, and Scotland so far. I graduated from Southeastern University and someday, I'll be out on the missions field full time (China, maybe?)! My life is not my own, and I want to do everything I can for my Lord!
As a missionary in training, I also strive to be a knight of Chivalry--qualities growing ever faint in this world. This is not any easy task, as it is increasingly shunned by society and even the female populous. However, we brave knights keep our banners held high, and continue to fight for our faith...and the ones we love...
I have joined the Navy, my newest mission field! I'm a Religious Program Specialist--which is basically a Chaplain's personal body guard and assistant. So far I've been blessed with some awesome Chaplains to work for, and I'll be heading to Iraq with the Marines in February '09!
God has recently blessed me with an amazing woman in my life--Rachelle Jensen. She is more beautiful than I could ever have hoped or dreamed for. I am humbled at God's grace, and pray each day that I can become more of the man that she needs me to be.
Time is the greatest gift we are given...don't just spend it, invest it wisely. Make the most out of every opportunity. Give Jesus a chance, He gave everything for you! He is the only way!
And to all those who claim to be Christian, live it or leave it--don't be a poser!
You can find me sometimes, occasionally, and every once in a while on IMs:
AOL IM:SemajCherlagne
MSN:[email protected]
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