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Darton Longman and Todd Books

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Darton, Longman and Todd has been one of the UK's leading independent publishers of books on spirituality and religion for nearly 50 years. We believe we are unique amongst publishers in being jointly owned and managed by all our staff members. Our backlist includes classic books by the greatest spiritual writers, lively and accessible studies in philosophy and religion, practical resources for community leaders living in a multi-faith society, and a wide range of Bibles in the acclaimed NRSV and Jerusalem Bible translations.The world is complicated, fragile and precious, and so are the people in it. DLT books are for both the inquisitive believer and for the curious skeptic. They will not tell you what to think. But they might help keep you alert to the wonder and mystery of things, help you take responsibility for the creation of a more just and sustainable world, and perhaps help you find a little stillness and peace. www.dltbooks.comUNIQUE NEW BOOK FOR TEENSorder now in time for Christmas! Messenger by Paul KercalThe New Atheists by Tina Beattie From its gradual decline during the latter part of the twentieth century, religion has been catapulted back into public consciousness, not least by acts of violence, extremism and various forms of fundamentalism. In this lively and provocative contribution to the debate the leading British feminist theologian, Tina Beattie, argues that the threat of religious fanaticism is mirrored by a no less virulent and ignorant secular fanaticism which has taken hold of the intellectual classes in Britain and America. Its High Priest is Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion, but its disciples and acolytes include well-known public figures such as philosophers Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and A C Grayling, journalists Christopher Hitchens and Polly Toynbee, and novelists Martin Amis and Ian McEwan. Theologians such as Alister McGrath and Keith Ward have defended the rationality of Christian beliefs about God, but both sides neglect wider questions about faith, science, power and justice in a postmodern world, which impinge deeply on all our lives.The New Atheists calls for a more wide-ranging and creative dialogue across religious and cultural boundaries. It will intrigue every open-minded reader, believer or non-believer.www.dltbooks.com

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Looking for youth group discussion material?Or maybe you're already thinking about what to get that teenage son/daughter/niece/nephew/neighbour/friend of a friend's sister's grandson this Christmas?L...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:03:00 GMT

TLS review 12th Dec 2007 - The New Atheists by Tina Beattie

God debates The so-called new atheism is little more than a step backwards to the old-fashioned atheism.. END: Module - Main Heading --> ..CMA user Call Diffrenet Variation Of Image -->.. BEGIN: Modul...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 02:45:00 GMT

New Titles for Lent

Titles for Lent 2008Publishing 19th November 2007 Available from all good bookshops, and www.dltbooks.com
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:38:00 GMT