About Me
NEWS: Michele McTierney placed as a Runner-Up in the VH1 Song of the Year Contest for her song, "Crushing Guilty"!****************************************************
**********************Songwriting contest feedback for "If You Were Dead"!....reviewer's quote:"It is rare that I have the privilege to review such great works of art. You have a potential hit on your hands!"*****************************************************
*********************Michele is performing at the Baltimore Music Conference Sept 18-21. More info to come!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++Michele McTierney: singer/songwriter/musician (flute, sax, keyboard, percussion) Born in DC, raised in MD burbs. ND grad (Go Irish!) in French & English, studied in France as a sophomore, played flute with a baroque conservatory group, sang in french chorale, traveled, constantly creative writing, performing original songs. Junior/senior year, acted/directed several plays and fronted The Bomb Squad (college rock/alt band). fronted One Brick Thick and Blame Rosaline, now heads up her own band. SPHS Alum and Irish lass living in Fells Point (Baltimore). Cheeky originals and memorable covers delivered with an engaging, flexible vocal style and powerful, five-octave range.************ On a more personal note: I really like doing yoga when I get the chance, sometimes I only get to meditate on it. I've been skeet-shooting more than once and find shooting clay pigeons strangely therapeutic and am quite a good shot (PULL!). I love massages, alcoholic beverages that don't taste like alcoholic beverages, even though that can get a bit dicey, clever dialogue and witty song lyrics, cubist art, squash (the food, not the game, actually not even sure of the premise of the game, should I google that right now? oh, screw it...not that important, focus, Michele, focus), strawberries, my two dogs (when they aren't crapping on my wood floor, but I guess it's better than the carpet), high quality tea, dancing, swimming (including snorkeling...I love seeing the fish and reefs. I thought it was weird that my sister got a bit freaked out after five minutes in the water and spent more time on the boat or beach, but I was in the water for hours. go figure. Apparently, she doesn't like things flying at her face but I loved it, insert your own joke here.), pizza, accents on guys from english-speaking countries, almonds, amaretto sours (natural progression, I think), walking whenever my knee isn't messed up (from being a power forward in school and too much dancing and yoga early on...very flexible, but sometimes tooooo flexible....guys probably thinking, "too flexible? is there such a thing?" okay, enough of that stream of consciousness), sleeping in, wearing flip-flops (even if they don't have any arch support), pedicures with red nail polish (especially on myself, but I mean, whatever you're into, go with it, do what makes you happy. so long as it's not hurting anyone, I don't judge. plus, it seems to me that creative, left of center people and things are usually the most fun.), waking up with my hair not having to be styled cuz it's in that sexy bedhead look without any effort, which happens about once a week, the other six days require various amounts of effort. dislikes...well, since I'm fairly diplomatic (read: passive) I'll put up with a lot of crap, but only for so long, then take a trip somewhere "away" (read: "retreat") and/or write a song to vent my frustrations (read: passive-aggressive) ... and seeing that I've written quite a lot this past year, I seem to be venting well, kinda like a tea kettle or something like that...boy, I wish this whole section was more eloquent...oh well, whatever. Please come to one of my gigs, I'd be ever so grateful, if you know what I mean. (wink, wink)
_______________Professional Headshots by: Susan Centineo & Associates, STUDIO C Photography
_______________Band bios at www.michelemctierney.com or www.mspace.com/michelemctierneybandHope to see you there! Friend us!
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