Music, Movies (Indie), Football, Basketball, really bad Eddie Griffin movies, bad horror films, my bad ass basset hound, my new classic kswiss. Reading Haruki Murakami, HARRY POTTER and LOST. GOD HOW I LOVE LOST.
A man who wears a costume of a man wearing a costume.
Everything that a genius should like.
Takashi Miike, P.T. Anderson, Wes Anderson, anything with Owen Wilson...oh yeah, and Clive Owen is the baddest man in Hollywood right now.
Right now I am reading, The Wind-Up bird chronicle,Last Exit to Brooklyn, The Demon, and some Salvatore.
My mother and father. P Diddy, and 50 cent for making 100mil in 1 year, Peter Jackson, and the guy who plays Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter Movies.