Jis forJuicy
Uis forUnforgettable
Lis forLuxurious
Iis forIrresistible
Eis forExquisite What Does Your Name Mean?
Cusors for your MySpace
myspace layouts
myspace layouts
myspace layouts
myspace layouts
WHAT CAN I SAY, I LUV LUV LUV POOH!!!!myspace layouts
myspace layouts
myspace layouts
myspace layouts
WHAT CAN I SAY, I LUV LUV LUV POOH!!!!Interested in ALMOST everything...at least once...don't knock it till you try it, right???ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVORITES FROM CARLTON!!!2 MORE CLASSIC CLIPS...YA'LL BETTA GET IT!!!
Myspace Contact TablesCheck out my nephew MAX...He gets the hiccups towards the end...he is TOOOOO cute!!!..
YOU!!! Well, maybe not you, but your friend...How you doin??
JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING...but mostly R&B, slow jams, old school, Hip-hop and Reggaeton cause I love to shake it!!!I couldn't find the original so I found the music video and put it up top on the right side...This version of the song is fun, but nothing beats the original...PATT!
Tooooo many to list....recently saw BORAT and all I have to say is....VERYYY NICEE!!! HIGH FIVEEE!!!!
Well, when I have time I try to catch Saved by the Bell, The Cosby Show, LOST, CSI: Miami, Fresh Prince, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune, and several other game shows...Price is Right, some Lifetime Movies, Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Greys Anatomy, 106 & Park....more to come....
I don't leisure read....let me rephrase that, I don't know how to leisure read because I can't stay awake long enough to read 5 pages, unless i'm in the tub.
My Amah!!!Tanya~~~They tryna kill her!!!