- AbBhy14gAeL - profile picture

- AbBhy14gAeL -

<marquee direction=up AbbHyGaeL NoW iNLovE..

About Me

-= =- iM a CraZy GuRL EsP WeN iTz fuLL mOon.. hehehe!!! JuSt aDd mE uP!!! i HaVe FRIENDSTER, MYSPACE, BERKZTER, PINOYSTER, HIPSTIR, Hi5 accnTz.. etc.. hErE aRe mY acCouNts.. [email protected] & [email protected]... take lotsa care... ciAo!

My Interests

-= =- JusT to TakE cAre oF mAh BabY LuV.. ANd Do Mah VerY bEsT to maKE thiNgS woRk and Make Him HaPi ALL thE tiME.. I LoVe hiM so muCh..

I'd like to meet:

-= =- i ALreADy MeT hiM.. HiS iNitIALs "MCI".. AnD i LoVe HiM So mUcH.. MorE thAN woRds cAn sAy..


-= =- it dEpenDs UpOn mAh mOod.. WeN im SaD i LisTEn to B2M.. WeN iM iN a COoL mOoD.. i LisTEn to aLmoSt anYthiNg.. As Long AS it hAS seNse..


-= =- I HaVe LoTs iN MinD.. Lyk sOme LoVe StoriEs... Romeo and Juliet, Serendipity.. i aLso LikE sOme HoRroR MoviEs Lyk ThE GrUdGe... AnD oThEr MoviEs LyK toO fAst ToO FuRioUs... eTc..


-= =- AnYthiNg buT i Lyk Cable Channels EsP.. HBO, AXN, WheReiN i MaY WaTcH CoOL ShOwZ...


ChicKen sOup fOr TeEnage SOuL.. AnD oTheR BoOkz.. BuT i Lyk maGaziNes mOrE iT's mY CoLLecTion esp FHM.. COz it'S Cute aNd EdUcaTionaL.. heHeh...


-= =- ViNoy my SuPeRmaN and my huNteR..

My Blog

ThiS is MeEh.....

AbiGaeL TheReZe A. BaLiÑa... DaTS my NaME.. i'M a SimPLE guRL FroM MeyCauaYAn, BuLacan and i'M cuRrenTLy StaYin' iN a DorMitorY PoPuLarLy knoWn As MAGALLANES DorMiTory,, We'LL SoMe SaY i'm FriEndLy,...
Posted by - AbBhy14gAeL - on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

BaBy YoU'rE GoNe!!!

There's a thousand words that I could say To make you come home Oh, seems so long ago you walked away Left me alone I remember what you said to me You were acting so strange and maybe I was too ...
Posted by - AbBhy14gAeL - on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

4 SeAsOns Of LoNeLinEsS,,,

I long for the warmth of days gone by, When you were mine, But now those days are memories in time. Life's empty without you by my side. My heart belongs to you, no matter what I try. When I get ...
Posted by - AbBhy14gAeL - on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST