I'm a Manchester based guitarist/teacher/writer. . not always in that order. Since leaving U.C.S (sounds posh.. it's not. .) in '94 I've managed to stay alive and play music without resorting to a 'proper' job. . heaven forbid.
In '96 I moved from Prestwich to Didsbury. After almost giving up my musical ambitions and applying to the army(!), I realised I had moved round the corner from a group of people that genuinely changed my life. The next few years were a blur of parties and all night jams with great musicians and even better friends.
In '97 I fulfilled a childhood ambition and went on tour. . the artist was Errol Brown. Over the next seven years I toured five times with Mr.Brown and had some great times. When not with Errol I was working with singers Joe Roberts and Melanie Williams, collectively known as 'Dark Flower'. The band was great and toured with Gabrielle on several occasions.
At some point amongst the parties and tours (rose tinted glasses!) I met a couple of guys from the band 'Uncut'. They promised to phone if and when they required a guitarist. The curse of Farr struck and Uncut shortly folded. Darren and Tunde continued as 'Future Cut' and good to their word called me for sessions. One of these was for singer supremo Conner Reeves. What a guy. Since then I've played and written with Conner.. album hopefully out next year.
The big one came when Future Cut produced tracks on Lily Allen's first album including the singles 'Smile' and 'L.D.N'. Luckily they stuck to us plucky Manc muso's for the session.. John Ellis, Clive Hunte and myself. Viva Manchester! They quickly moved to London on the success. . but still get us down for sessions, which is nice. In fact just done Tom Jones's album for them . .
Other musical hihlights have included playing on 'Later with Jool's Holland' with Jamelia. .scarey but great..recording for the woderful Laura Izibor and the equally great Ava. Low points. .recording 'The Best Gospel Album in The World Ever'. . urrh. .sorry.!
The last few years I've been 'busy' writng tunes, and finally got the courage to actually gig them,(thanks Matt and Phreds! Check video recorded at Matt and Phreds with Greg Morgan on drums. .By scrolling at the bottom of the video you'll find more video's including me with hair!. When you get to Mike Farr's stuff, that's no longer me!). . The band line-up includes myself on guitar,Luke Flowers on drums (Cinematic orchestra), Sylvan Richardson on bass (general genius) and Neil Yates on trumpet (too much to list!). I couldn't ask for a better band. If you like original bluesy, jazzy, funky, New Orleans kinda stuff look out for the "Paul Farr Band". .(check other box for gig dates) It's so much more fun playing your own music. .!
Anyway, much more important than this music lark is my son Thomas who was born 28th Oct 2002. .and makes it all worth while. By the way, I don't really use this page any longer. . if you'd like to be my friend click on 'The Paul Farr Band' below in my friends.. thats my current page. . thanks.