@m@nd@ profile picture


I need you like a heart needs a beat

About Me

found this love layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotCommentsI’m a Gemini, and I get into lots of unnecessary trouble! All the stupid mistakes I have made have turned into really great stories to tell. I have been in love. I have felt pain. I sing a lot. I have a small group of fabulous friends. I have a very supportive family. I have a big heart. I care too much. I’m crazy, and wild. I can’t sit still. I’m very random. AUGUST 11TH 2007 i got married to the most amazing guy in the world, his name is Jimmy. He is the most wonderful man I have ever met, and we have one heck of a story if you ever have time to hear it... He has given me everything I could ask for in a man. And i CANT WAIT to spend the rest of my life with him! I love everything about life. I always have a smile on my face. I love food. Im not big on partying anymore, but i love to have a good time.I cherish each day. I have no regrets!

My Interests


My hero would have to be my Dad. He has been there for me more then anything. He is the kind of person who makes you laugh when your hurt, pickes you up when your down, hugs you when you cry and holds you when you need it the most. My Dad is my best friend. I love you Dad!!