Whatever you are doing now - it will have an ending. This simple fact makes me think about endings in general. The nice thing about endings is - they enable new beginnings. If you don’t like your present life situation, you don’t have to stay attached to it. Just put a period at the end of your current life experiences and bring this chapter of your life to a close. Get ready to write a more exciting chapter tomorrow. All you have to do is employ that wonderful punctuation mark that signifies completion. A period indicates the old is finished. A period signifies the new can now begin. It is easy to stay attached to something even though it no longer benefits you. The path of dogged but unrewarding effort is well traveled. You can easily fall into a rut and stay there. After all, doing nothing is often the path of least resistance. It is also the path of passivity and death. It takes courage to bring the old to a close. It takes imagination and effort to create the new. You are the author of your life. The previous chapters you have written do not restrict your future directions unless you allow them to do so. A new chapter is an opportunity for new beginnings. Use your creativity and imagination. Be outrageous! Set out in new directions and explore new facets of your soul.
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"I'll Be Waiting" by L. Kravitz is an instrumental firework, the strings, horns simply amazing. Dedicating it to a special soul.
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Healthy Relationship With Yourself
How we see the world and interpret the actions of others depends on our relationship with our self. To change your relationships with others, you've got to change your relationship with yourself. Why ... Posted by on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 03:10:00 GMT