Jordan profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

-My name is Jordan, in case you cannot read.
-Some of my friends still choose to call me Jordie though.
-I'm 22.
-I'm currently going to school to become a Vet Tech.
-I adore great jazz music.
-Also the occasional sappy acoustic.
-I love my dog more than anything.
-She means more to me than you could possibly know.
-I miss my boy Tuck as if I would have lost my own child.
-I'm really shy until you get to know me.
-I'm also pretty quiet until you get to know me.
-I'm a very sweet girl.
-I can also be a bitch when I need to be.
-Nothing really grosses me out.
-I tend to use the words 'cunt' and 'douchebag' quite often.
-Sometimes I truly believe I was born in the wrong era.
-I think pin-up art is classic and beautiful.
-I like to read though I have not done much of that lately.
-I'm pretty sarcastic most of the time.
-I can be pretty random at times too.
-I'm stubborn.
-I'm awkward at times.
-I can be pretty difficult.
-I love a good dancefest.
-Especially when I am drunk =].
-I hate the fact that things seem to come easier for others than they do for me.
-I'm not here to meet people to date.
-I don't care much to meet anyone new from this site.
-People spend way too much time on here.
Sorry, I probably will not add you unless I know who you are. So just send me a message. =P
Don't take anything for granted. It can be ripped away from you faster than you can blink or take a breath. I miss you Tuck. There is nothing in this world that can replace my little goofball

My Interests

Van Gogh.
Being awkward.
Sweet dance parties.
E.E. Cummings.


I have an eclectic taste in music...
Don't hate. I might have to kill you.


Anything that makes me laugh until I pee my pants, or scares me... until I pee my pants, and definitely anything that nauseates me. (The more gore the better) =]


Scrubs. Tim and Eric's Awesome Show. MXC. Golden Girls. Roseanne. Family Feud (but only to yell at those stupid fucks they put on the show haha).


Walter, the Farting Dog!
Anything having to deal with Beth Short.
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut.


My Mom. She's an incredible woman.
And anyone willing to fight for this...